
Golden Retriever

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Hartogold High Flyer

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Hartogold High Flyer
Aust Ch. Abshe Excel [6 years]
Aust Ch. Alubyc Tullymorgan
Firegold Farley
Aust. CH Arnell Of Rustledene [13.5 years]
Gaylon Celtic Prince
Charm Of Summertime
Alubyc Arianwen
Aust Ch Clangold Highlander
Aust CH Alubyc Coppersun
Kiltorcan Mitzee
Aust. CH Arnell Of Rustledene [13.5 years]
Gaylon Celtic Prince
Charm Of Summertime
Buffalo Emerald Isle
Aust Ch Leoline Golden Ruffy [11.5 years]
Aust Ch Goldog Alpine Emily
Wembury Lady Sheba
Aust. CH. Alubyc SS Enterprise [6.5 years]
Aust. CH Noravon Otto Goldtreve
Eng. CH. Camrose Fabius Tarquin [13.5 years]
Noravon Melissa
AUST CH Alubyc Autumn Arwen
Aust. CH Arnell Of Rustledene [13.5 years]
AustCH Clangold Autumn Glow AUST CD
Gunarryn Showtime
Aust CH Goldtreve Cameron (AI)
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher [9.5 years]
Australian Ch Gaewynd Tapestry
Gunarryn Gilda
Montego Don Pedro
Aust. CH Buffalo Wood Whisp
Hartogold Liberty Belle
Alubyc Lets Dance
Bramblen High Flier
Aust. CH Arnell Of Rustledene [13.5 years]
Gaylon Celtic Prince
Charm Of Summertime
Alubyc Ceridwen
Aust. CH Arnell Of Rustledene [13.5 years]
Australian CH Alubyc Copperspun
Wembury Red Hot Jazz
Aust. CH Camrose Ohs Buffalo
Eng. CH. Camrose Fabius Tarquin [13.5 years]
Eng. CH. Styal Stefanie of Camrose [13.5 years]
Alubyc Eastof Eden
Ch Hartogold La Bonita
AustCH Dancingate Isis Andre CD
Whitepaws Malachite
Aust. CH Carlsden Sansoo Bobby
Wildheart Trifle
Stonebow Trendsetter
Leoline Golden Vernon
Aust Ch Fennel Capricious
Dancingate Conte Sansuci
Dancingate Tecon Maris
Leoline Golden Tecon
Stonebow Trendsetter
Dancingate Circe Shera
Dancingate Tecon Maris
Roughgold Lucy

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