K9data.comLabrador Retriever

QS G Wurf

Five generation pedigree:

QS G Wurf
FTW Garronpoint Fitty [ A]
FTCh Eastdale Harry [BVA 3/7]
FTCh Greenbriar Viper of Drakeshead [BVA 7:3]
FTCh Lafayette Tolley [BVA 8/8]
FTCh Kilderkin Renoir [BVA 0/0]
FTW Black Purdey of Keswick [BVA 2/2]
FTW Greenbriar Solitaire [BVA 5/4]
FTCh Pocklea Remus [BVA 6/7]
Fobbingacre Fern of Greenbriar [BVA 6/4]
FTW Daughting Dulcie of Eastdale [ 8/2]
FTW Lancaster Bomber [BVA 3/3]
Turramurra Santa of Follybreeze [BVA 5/6]
Birchams Skylark [BVA 5/2]
Eastdale Elsa
FTCh Eastdale Danny [ 6/4]
Shadowbrae Starr [ 7/4]
FTW Garronpoint Spree [BVA 2:3]
FTCh Pointraire Cromwell [BVA 5/7]
FTCh Pocklea Remus [BVA 6/7]
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Drakeshead Gypsy
Leawyn Leola Of Pointraire Ft.W. [BVA 3/7]
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh [BVA 4 / 4]
Irl.Ft.Ch. Woodbrook Wonder of Leawyn
FTCh Claravale Tide of Garronpoint [BVA 2/2]
FT Ch Tintoview Tweed of Laggengill [ 4:3]
FTCh Broadlaw Elder of Laggengill [BVA 2/2]
FTW Tintoview Fay
Saxaphone Messenga [BVA 6:3]
FTCh Ulstare Style [BVA 10/10]
FTW Mallowdale Dora of Saxaphone [BVA 3/4]
Quick Stepers C'est Viva la Vita [FCI A2]
FTCh Ffynongain Lincon [FCI A2]
FTW Caulliechat Rebel of Garngoch at Ffynongain [BVA 4/3]
FTCh Endacott Shelf [BVA 4/5]
FTCh Glenbriar Solo [BVA 7/6]
FTW Endacott Spindle [BVA 4/4]
Caulliechat Elm [ 3/3]
FTCh Baildonian Baron of Craighorn [BVA 2/1]
Craighorn Heidi of Caulliechat [ 3/2]
Ffynongain Gold [ 2/2]
FTCh Celtic Special [ 0/0]
FTCh Strad Benis [BVA 0/0]
FTW Craigfelin Kandy
FTW Greenbriar Viva of Ffynongain [BVA 5/17]
FTCh Lafayette Tolley [BVA 8/8]
FTW Greenbriar Solitaire [BVA 5/4]
Quick Step Jody of Mountain Forest Glade [FCI A2]
Int + B FTCh Saxthorpe Buzzard of Brindlebay [BVA 5/7]
FTCh Lafayette Tolley [BVA 8/8]
FTCh Kilderkin Renoir [BVA 0/0]
FTW Black Purdey of Keswick [BVA 2/2]
Jessweep Sally of Saxthorpe [ 8/8]
Osgodby Sweep of Saxthorpe [BVA 4/8]
Jaunty Jess
DRC-Arbeitschampion Barnlight Sappo [FCI A1]
FTCh Birdbrook Aston of Bellever [BVA 2/2]
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh [BVA 4 / 4]
FTCh Purdey of Bonhote of Birdbrook [BVA 4/1]
Trevale Twist [ 5/4]
Trevale Stinger [BVA 3/3]
March Mincarlo [ 4/3]

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