K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Ch Teracroft Hi Dolly 358 of Tokay  (12/29/1996-6/10/2010)

Five generation pedigree:

Ch Teracroft Hi Dolly 358 of Tokay
Moxcroft Maxwell Mirth
AmCH Jayncourt The Professor
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will
Morningtown Stormette JW
Kupros Bridget
GB.Ch. Ballyduff Marketeer
UK Ch Kupros Lady's Pride
Jayncourt Earth Angel
GB ShCh Novacroft Charles
Sandylands Charlston
Novacroft Gay Rhapsody
Jayncourt Peace
Sandylands Charlston
Jayncourt Never Without
Fernwood's Dawn of Honeycroft
Am/Can CH Davoeg Silky Beau
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
AmCH Monarch's Dusty Chief
Briary Moss Rose
Briary Marzipan
Brygwen Brodie
AmCH Briary Bonnie Briana
Am Ch Fernwood Disco Page (1985)
AM CAN Ch Southwyck Breaker One-Nine
Sandylands Stormy Weather
Ch Coalcreek's Pickwick
Fernwood's Bit-O-Bustle
Fernwood's Sandstorm
Northwood Jollymuff Tidy
Ch Moby Dick 97/268 Mav of Tokay
AmCH, Bras Ch, Bras Gr Ch Lakelets Brett Maverick
UK Sh Ch, Am CH Receiver Of Cranspire
NL Ch Cranspire Skytrain
Cambremer Petrocelli
Poolstead Purpose of Cranspire
Pollys Pride of Genisval
GB Sh Ch Newinn Kestrel
Heatherbourne Genista
Dickendalls Gussie CD JH
Am.Ch. Broyhill Royale Guiest CD
AmCH Somersett Gambler CD WC
AmCH Broyhill Applause
Blooming-Tails Nicole
Am CH Allegheny's Eclipse
Dickendall's Rose Royce
Lullaby 8/97 First of Tokay
INT Ch, BR GrCh Novacroft First Ling
Fitzleo of Novacroft
Novacroft Silent Pact
Bryndaniel Sally-Bee
Novacroft Coffee Time
GB ShCh Novacroft Charles
Novacroft Marina
Ch Canterbury Ambassador
Ch Sandy Puff
Morrison Rambo
Candy (dau of Altess De La Sauvagette)
Int Ch Hampshire Night
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH
Hampshire's Correy

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