K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Trooper's Kc Of Standing Oak  (11/3/2002-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Trooper's Kc Of Standing Oak
Standing Oaks Trooper of Dmarsh
Ch Ingelnook Instigator
AmCH Ingelnook Adare Sambuca
AmCH Rainell's Dynasty
AmCH Jayncourt Ajoco Justice
Finchingfield Indigo
AmCH Adare's Charmaine
CH Finchingfield Navigator
Tapnod's Could Be Jilly-Go
AM Ch Ingelnook Charming Design
BISS Am/CanCH Cedarwoods By Design
Am/Can CH Davoeg Silky Beau
CH Cedarwood Standing Ovation
Ch Adare's Sheal B Charming
AmCH Valleywood Skyrocket
AmCH Adare's Charmaine
AmCH Honorbright Legend Of Dmarsh TD JH WC
Ch Adare Ingelnook Designed One
BISS Am/CanCH Cedarwoods By Design
Am/Can CH Davoeg Silky Beau
CH Cedarwood Standing Ovation
Ch Adare's Sheal B Charming
AmCH Valleywood Skyrocket
AmCH Adare's Charmaine
CH Cheselea Honorbright Destiny
AmCH Valleywood Skyrocket
Am CH Driftwood Celebration
Am CH Valleywood Kannonball Kate
Honorbright Golden Odyssey
Ch Riverroad's Oliver
Ch Riverroad's Chelsea
Standing Oaks Duckie Dollie
Standing Oaks Captain Jake
AmCH Briary Bonfire Of Windsong
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
AmCH Monarch's Dusty Chief
Briary Moss Rose
Briary Marzipan
Brygwen Brodie
AmCH Briary Bonnie Briana
Windsongs' Tiana
Ch Windsongs' Briary Brimstone
AmCH Briary Brendan Of Rainell
Briary Maeve
Windsongs' Singit Sissy Sara
AmCH Jagersbo Mr Mustard
Ch Windsong's Lizy Tauni Mara
Beers Vanilla Shake
Can.Ch. Triple L's Coral Ridge
CH Windsongs Silver Bullet
AmCH Briary Bell Buoy Of Windsong
Windsong's Morning Mist
Triple Ls Brite Sunnye Daze
Am Can Ch Christy's Casey of Triple L CD
Triple L's Cream Rinse
Shadow's Girl
Am/CanCH Triple LS Davey Crocket WC PR CD
Am Can Ch Christy's Casey of Triple L CD
Triple L's Cream Rinse
Hodini Squirt
CH Windsongs Silver Bullet
Dawn Luth Of Charity Hill

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