K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Ontulele Honey Gold  (4/12/2013-)

Five generation pedigree:

Ontulele Honey Gold
E.A. Dual CH. Tortilis Esoi at Ontulele
E. A. Dual CH Lenches Marmaduke at Ontulele
Tiger Tiger of Carpenny
GB Ch Carpenny Bonhomie
GB Ch. Trenow Brigadier
Carpenny Camargue
Can Ch Tabatha's Mirth
Am CH Dickendall Arnold
Tabatha's Brazos Truffle
Lenches Miss Maybelle
Am CH Lenches Gallivant
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Lenches Tip Top
Lenches Miss Milly
Sh.Ch Poolstead Pumpkin
Gb Sh Ch Lenches Miss Molly
Ontulele Opal Orchid
EA Ch Tidesreach Viking to Lynquest at Ontulele
Dolwen Edward Seymour
UK Ch. Trenow Music Man JW
Dolwen Fair Katrina
Tidesreach Sea Holly
UK CH Lawnwoods Free'N Easy
Tidesreach Mayday
Ontulele Imperial Inca
Symphony's Wordsworth Ontulele
Ontulele Dinkum Dunny
Ontulele Topsy Turvey
Speyhawk Fairway Flair At Ontulele
UK CH Lawnwoods Free'N Easy
Lawnwood's Lucy Locket
Ontulele Vision-n-Velvet
E. A. Dual CH Lenches Marmaduke at Ontulele
Tiger Tiger of Carpenny
GB Ch Carpenny Bonhomie
GB Ch. Trenow Brigadier
Carpenny Camargue
Can Ch Tabatha's Mirth
Am CH Dickendall Arnold
Tabatha's Brazos Truffle
Lenches Miss Maybelle
Am CH Lenches Gallivant
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Lenches Tip Top
Lenches Miss Milly
Sh.Ch Poolstead Pumpkin
Gb Sh Ch Lenches Miss Molly
Ontulele Pumpkin Pie
E.A. CH Lenches Gladstone at Ontulele
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Sandylands Bramble
Lenches Policy
Poolstead Policeman
Lenches Felicity
E. A. CH Ontulele Fi Fie Foe Fum
Sidelock Sybarite
Jap Ch Sidelock Shimmering Sun
Sidelock Silver Cascade
Speyhawk Fairway Flair At Ontulele
UK CH Lawnwoods Free'N Easy
Lawnwood's Lucy Locket

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