Labrador Retriever
CH Miconti Chock In All
Five generation pedigree:
CH Miconti Chock In All
Banners Lubberline Chock
Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount
Epochs Edward Of Bonaventure
Can.Ch. Keepsake Beau Webster
Donalbain Marksman
Kelleygreens Murphy Brown II
Banners Apple Butter
Am/CanCH Venetian Blender De Chablais
Banners Plain Brown Wrapper WC
Classique's Count On Me
AmCanCH Beechcroft Citadel CD WC
AmCH Beechcrofts Edgewood Tomarc
Beechcrofts Clover of O'Henry WC
Beechcroft's Star Gazer
AmCH Classique Fire And Ice
Beechcroft's Perfecta
Banner's Brown And Serve
WW-94 EE CH FI UCH INT UCH USA CH Bubbling Bedouine
FI UCH INT UCH LU CH Exhibition Man De Saint Urbain
Mardas Maritime Man
FIN Ch Loresho Oystercatcher
FIN Ch. Charway Sea Badger
Mallorn's Applesauce
Banners Plain Brown Wrapper WC
Banner's Wenwood Obleo Arrow WCX
AmCH Beechcrofts Edgewood Tomarc
Wenwood Banner Ruby Begonia
CanCh Ambleside's Banner Of Triple L
AmCH Clemmsen Of Killingworth
Lindall Miss Emma
RUS & LT & BY & MKD & BGR & BALCAN CH Mallorn's Sienna FT Duck II
CH PL SK Mallorn's Chocomania
SE U(U)CH Tjotte's Now or Never
SUCH DKUCH Cassatas Alladin Aces
Rocksteady By Night
Ch Cassatas Ever Bossa Nova
Schw.Ch./Nor.Ch./Fin.Ch. Tjotte's Babysitter's Nightmare
Am/Can CH Banner's Muskelunge Buckeye
Nor. Ch.SE U(U)CH NO UCH Imp's Strictly Business
ChFin Boothgates Miz Showbusiness
Brandhams Show Stopper
Boothgates Kountry Kraft
Brandham Hot Choice for Oulsmi
Oulsmi Endless Love
C.C.W. Stormley Craftsman at Ludzska
Oulsmi Bold As Brass
Fin CH Mallorn's Cinnamon
Ch. Master of Chocolat Du Taillis Madame
Bel./Lux.Ch. Brandham Make Me A Star for Oulsmi
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Brandham Hot Choice for Oulsmi
Oulsmi Calypso
C.C.W. Stormley Craftsman at Ludzska
Brandham Keepsake at Elorac
Mallorn's Chocolate Magic
CanCH, ChJpn Loresho Tango
FI UCH Loresho Ozzie
Boothgates Letter Writer
Boothgates Headliner
Boothgates Scene Stealer
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