
Golden Retriever

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Spiritlodge Qwik Time Player  (11/26/2001-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Spiritlodge Qwik Time Player
Am /CanCH Justmoor Believe In Me Am-Can OS [11 years]
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Am. CH Tangleloft Odds On Pebwin CD WC VC OS Can WC [11.5 years]
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
BISS Am Can CH Gold-Rush's Great Teddy Bear OS SDHF [6.5 years]
Am. CH Goldwing Rhythm-N-Blue OD
Am. CH Libra Lady Carioca CD OD [13 years]
BISS Am./Can. CH Colacove Commando Di Sham
Sutter Creek Serendipity CDX
Am./Can. CH Kinsha's Flight to Rush Hill OD [8 years]
BIS BISS Am./Can. CH Alderbrookes Rush Hill Rebel Am/Can TD OS SDHF [10 years]
Am./Can. CH Tri Valleys Doc Holiday Am./Can. CDX WC OS [7 years]
Ch. Alderbrooke's American Abbey CD [14 years]
Am./Can. CH Kachinas Kinsha Kari Am CDX OD Can CD OD SDHF
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
Am. Can. CH Krishna's E Z Livin' OD
Can CH Goldsmith's Justmoor Skye High Can SDHF Am-Can OD [11 years]
Am./Can. CH Asterling's Mr Rockefella
CH Birnam Wood's Jay J Delay BISS
Am. CH. Goldrush's Judgement Day OS [14 years]
Am Ch Goldenloe's Cinnamon Sizzler OD
Am CH Asterling My Very Own Bentley SDHF [ years]
Am. CH. Beaumaris Pekay's Kilowatt OS [13.5 years]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF [12 years]
Can. CH Mandalaro Sunrise Shoneen OD [14 years]
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
BISS Am Can CH Gold-Rush's Great Teddy Bear OS SDHF [6.5 years]
Am. CH Goldwing Rhythm-N-Blue OD
Can CH Beaumaris Genevieve Can OD [15 years]
Beaumaris Flying Scotsman CD
Am. CH Beaumaris Gabrielle CD
Can. CH. Spiritlodge You'll Be Blessed GRCA OD [13 years]
Can CH Madisons Stack The Deck OS [11.5 years]
Can. CH Verdoro's Justice For All Can OS [14 years]
Can. CH. Shaynedoro's Judge And Jury OS SDHF [11 years]
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
Can. CH. Shaynedoro's Fee Fie Fo Fum
Can. CH Goldsmith's Golden Opportunity OD [5 years]
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
CanCH Atai's Rise Again Phoenix OD [14.5 years]
Can. CH Collinterra's Brazen Callie Can OD [12.5 years]
Can. CH. Shaynedoro's Just-In-Time
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
Can. CH. Shaynedoro's Fee Fie Fo Fum
Rayshar's Collinterra Katie
Can. CH Midas' Tall Tale Spinner Can. WC OS
Rayshar's Golden Sensation
Terrayn's Tempest In A Teapot [11 years]
Am /CanCH Justmoor Believe In Me Am-Can OS [11 years]
BIS BISS Am/Can CH Rush Hill's Haagen-Dazs CDX JH AX OAJ WCX VCX OS SDHF Can. CD WC [11 years]
Am. CH Tangleloft Odds On Pebwin CD WC VC OS Can WC [11.5 years]
Am./Can. CH Kinsha's Flight to Rush Hill OD [8 years]
Can CH Goldsmith's Justmoor Skye High Can SDHF Am-Can OD [11 years]
Am./Can. CH Asterling's Mr Rockefella
Can. CH Mandalaro Sunrise Shoneen OD [14 years]
Goldenquest's Star Treasure [11.5 years]
Can Ch. Spiritlodge Cynosure Sun [10 years]
CH Kindred Peppercreek Suspense OS
Can CH Mandalaro Sunrise Cynosure [14 years]
CanCH Remital's Lisa of Goldenquest [ years]
Am./Can. CH. Kiros Westcoast Mariner Am./Can. CDX [5.5 years]
Can CH Remital's Goldenquest Jessie Can CD [ years]

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