
Golden Retriever

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Cheek to Cheek Sophia Loren  (10/31/2001-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Cheek to Cheek Sophia Loren
IntCh & Trialer, ChFr Gunmarsh Zachary [13 years]
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood [11.5 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Eng. SH. Ch. Styal Shelley of Maundale
Eng. CH. Nortonwood Faunus [12.5 years]
Eng. CH. Styal Susila [12.5 years]
Rossbourne Party Piece of Sansue
Eng. Ch. Westley Topic of Sansue [10.5 years]
Rossbourne Breeze
Perrimay Sea Harp
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Silvanus
Stirchley Sugarbush of Jobeka (1 Res. CC)
Stenbury Sea O'Heather of Perrimay
Eng. CH. Styal Scott Of Glengilde [14.5 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Stenbury Sea O'Dreams
Gunmarsh Sophia JW
Gunmarsh Lucas
Gunmarsh Maestro
Berrick of Gunmarsh
Gunmarsh Cinderella
Gunmarsh Dawn
Eng Sh Ch/Aust Ch Tasvane Charles Henry
Gunmarsh Candika
Gunmarsh Jasmine
Marquis Lad of Gillbryan
Eng. SH. CH. Lorinford Lancelot [12.5 years]
Gillbryan Madailein
Gunmarsh Crystal
Stenbury Sea Laird Of Glengilde
Gunmarsh Stylistic
Cheek to Cheek Pink Panther [11.5 years]
French.Int.Pol.CH. Trialer Cheek to Cheek Lucky Strike [13 years]
Dutch/Ger./VDH/Lux./Pls. CH. Sinnhein Jacobite GG-1 [11.5 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Westley Jacob
UK Sh Ch Lacons Enterprise
Eng. Ch. Westley Mabella
Eng. SH. CH. Sinnhein Minutemaid
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Checkmate [13 years]
Westley Matthia of Sinnhein
Cheek to Cheek High Spirits [10.5 years]
Int, Bel, Dts, Dutch Ch. Chevanne Mighty Endeavour [15 years]
Eng. CH. Styal Scott Of Glengilde [14.5 years]
Orchis Crystal Clear Of Chevanne
Int. CH & Trialer Ktema Eis Aei Fabiola [15.5 years]
Spain CH Kipling's Beau Brummel
Spain CH Garbank Career Girl
French.Int.Ch. Trialer Siatham Roxelana [14.5 years]
Eng. CH. Standfast Augustus
NUCH Mjaerumhogda's Crusader
Fin. CH. Noravon Cornelius
Nord. Ch. Gitles Natascha [ years]
Eng. CH. Westley Ramona KCJW [14 years]
Eng. CH. Gaineda Consolidator Of Sansue
Eng. Ch. Westley Martha
Mulfield Gyposophila Of Siatham [8 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Silvanus
Stirchley Sugarbush of Jobeka (1 Res. CC)
Westley Lusia of Mulfield
Eng. SH. CH. Stirchley Saxon KCJW [14 years]
Westley Julianna

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