
Golden Retriever

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Jesica Golden A  (11/14/1998-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Jesica Golden A
Jack Alonso Golden
Wilson's Golden Beau II
Rothery's Golden Nugget
Ahmad's Amber Dust
Reginald J Rafferty
Mystery Gold
Ahmao's Amber Sundance
Miller Gold
Christie's Golden Girl
Baumann's Savannah Mae
Baron Sam Cottonwood
Gale's Big Baron
Twila Of Cottonwood Hill
Magie Mae Fitzgerald
Casey And The Sunshine Band
Golden Krystal
Kelly's Lil Lana
Elvis III
Sir Jake Of Van Nuys
Granada Tulsa Gold
Miss Dee Lynn
Laika Spirit Of The Breeze
Dawn Heir's Rip Of The Breeze
Lanis Gold Rush
Kelly Golden Breeze
Boomerang Clark
Lorac's Sagebrush Charlie
Gibby Meine Schatze
Wochica's Princess Shoshana
Lord Jake Of Lichfield
Oregold's Lady
Hallie Jo McKinley
Sir Bingo Loghry
Rustin Bills
Triple Ace II
Lucas De Montano Dorado
Savannah Sadie Girl
Princess Anne Of Craig
Sundown's Lone Ranger
Am. CH Hunts Pandarus
Bonnie Blue VI
Sir Orion Brady
Lancaster's Cavenne Pepper
Kulberg's Forever Amber
Risky-Business IV
Yukon Jack XXIX
Tuborg Gold VII
Golden Ms Molly
Dustin He'eia Koa
Waldemar He'eia Koa
Kula Kamekona Of Schofield
Maile Melisa He'eia
Honeykins O Kauai He'eia
Goldi Ilialani O Waimea
Emmy Kahokj Luca
Willie Luca
Kane Wai Kula O Haiko
Taffy Of Sunset Farm
Kahoku Konane
Laddie Boy Of Honey
Donna's Nuggett O'Gold

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