K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Devonshires Georgia Peach  (8/10/2007-)

Five generation pedigree:

Devonshires Georgia Peach
AmCH Blackthorn Rocks U Too
AmCH Ghoststone's Louie Downtown CD WC
AmCH Marshland Bakela
AmCH Cherry Oaks Dillon Sundance
Am CH Marshland Blitz
Cherry Oaks Sunshine
AmCH Marshland Glitz
Am CH Marshland Blitz
AmCH Marshland's Bold Gabrielle
AmCH Blackthorn Simply Irresistible WC
CH. Sailin' Cajun's Casanova CD
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
Am.Can.Ch. Elysium Sailin Cat Ballou
AmCH Starpoint Blackthorn Blonde CD
BISS AmCH CanCH Monarch's Black Arrogance CD WC
Campbellcroft Brambleberry CD
AM Ch Blackthorn's Chatty Cathy
AmCH Timberline Blackthorn Bing
AmCH Simerdown's Heathrow
Campbellcroft Even Stephen JH
AmCH Blackthorn Simerdown Tazzee
AmCH Blackthorns Timberline Tgif
CH Daylight's Blue Eclipse JH
AmCH Starpoint Blackthorn Blonde CD
Blackthorn's Miss Ruby
Blackthorn's Imminent Thunder
CH. Sailin' Cajun's Casanova CD
AmCH Starpoint Blackthorn Blonde CD
Ch Talimars Royal Jazz
AmCH Cambremer Tudor Minstrel CD JH
Raintree's Wet N Wild
Devonshires Peaches & Cream
AmCH Langshott Gale Force From Kimvalley
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
UK Ch Sandylands My Guy
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Sandylands Bramble
GB Sh Ch Sandylands Bliss
GB Ch. Trenow Brigadier
Sandylands Rae
Kimvalley Follow On To Langshott
Newinn Oak Leaf at Kimvalley
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak
Newinn Fire Imp
Kimvalley Last Fling
Nl./VDH-/LCD-/Lux./Euro-/Engl.Show-CH Kimvalley Legend
Kimvalley Fidget
Am/Can CH Devonshires Art Of Elegance
Am CH Valleywood Blackthorn Brier
AM CAN FIN EST INT CH Chancellor Merry
CH Carromer's Mystery
Ardmargha Good Fortune
Valleywood Ballad
Am CH Dickendall Arnold
Am.Ch. Valleywood Sonnet
Ch. Devonshires Sophia Loren
CMBIS CBISS Am/Can Ch Tormentil Labradale Primetime CGC
Am/Can Ch Chablais Don Quixote SH WC
CanCh Toplicht Fleur's Charlee My Girl
Ch. Pine Edge Mibleulite Special
Chablais Rhapsodie En Bleu
AmCH Pine Edge Jus Bearly Mi Turn

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