Eimy Neposlu?n? ?těně | C.I.E., C.I.B., GrandCh CZ, JCh CZ&HU, Ch CZ,HU,SK,PL Bonett Bride To Dorado Blanco (The Champion of champions RK CZ 2013) [ A/A] | | Audi Neposlušné štěně [ A/B] | ChD (VDH) ChCZ, GRANDCh CZ, JChCZ Cheek To Cheek Don Quijote de la Mancha Junior BOB, BOB, National Winner [ HD B/A] | | Cedra Kr?sn? Lukr?cia [ DKK 0/2] | INTERCh, GRANDCh,ClubCh, JChCZ,ChCZ,ChD(VDH),ChSK Watterloo Misantos 5xNational Winner, Club Winner,BIS, 10x BOB [ HD A/A, DKK 0/0] | | Bonie Krasna Lukrecia [ C/B ( 2/1 )] | |