K9data.comNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

C.I.E., Ch SRB, VCh PL, Ch PL, JCh PL, CW, Poland Winner ILKA od Brendy z Serbinowa  (12/24/2006-6/8/2019)

Five generation pedigree:

C.I.E., Ch SRB, VCh PL, Ch PL, JCh PL, CW, Poland Winner ILKA od Brendy z Serbinowa
C.I.E PL CH I CH CRO CH Shaggy Toller's Shady Sherlock
Beinnbhreagh's Innes On Hedera
Ch Littleriver's Argus
Can Ch Littleriver's Cassey
Sport of Littleriver
Tess of Littleriver
Littleriver's Lady In Red
Can Ch Jem's Rusty Rogan
Stitches of Littleriver
Ch Ruaview Jewel of Beinnbhreagh
Can Ch Sehi's Little Breton CD WC
Can Ch Sproul's Happy Higgins
Harbourlights Highlan Belle
Ch Tollbreton Cape Island Dory CDX WC
Can Ch Sir Walter Riely of Ardunacres
Tollbreton Piper
DKCH Flyingtollers Shady Sheila
Svenshills Jackpott
Lyonhouse Alistaire
Harbourlights Scotia Duke of Lyonhouse
Jem's Hamish's Girl of Lyonhouse
Fraisy (S01183/85)
DKCH NUCH WW-85 Westerlea's Brass Toller
Westerlea's Lucky Toller
Flyingtollers Trixie
Jalna's Zealous Zephyr
Can Ch Jalna's Personality Plus
Can CH Jalna's Brazen Brat
Flyingtollers Silvana Nova
Jalna's Gentle Giant
N UCH Jalna's Onolee Over The Ocean
Mł Ch PL Georgia Virgo Vestalis
DKCH Hedera's Classic Look
FIN CH FIN TRCH Nordwart Kassandros
Lyonhouse Fergus Stuart
Harbourlights Scotia Duke of Lyonhouse
Jem's Hamish's Girl of Lyonhouse
Harbourlights Pick Up Sticks
Harbourlights Gorgeous George
Harbourlights Foxy Amber
Hedera's Very Sexy One
Westerlea's Rodrav Of Drogsta
SE UCH Drögstas Cat-Ri-Ona
Hedera's Orange Flower
Jalna's Klassic Kaiser
Hedera's Hot Design
Ch Pl Aurora Toller Bryvilsar
Ch Pl, j Ch Cz Buller (DKK06031/97)
NUCH DKCH NV-88 Flyingtollers Boomer
Jalna's Gentle Giant
Jalna's Quips N Quotes
Bonny White Nose Under The Red Sky
Multi. Ch. Bright Flower's Elegant Danish Boy
EW-2000 PL DRC-VDH LUX NL CH Chevy Fa-antastic Under The Red Sky
j Ch Cz, CH Pl Shaggy Toller's Happy Hunter
Dienesmindes Odin
Rocky (DKK10461/86)
Sproul's Scotia Thistle
DKCH EUV'96 LCH BESG'96 VV'96 DCH-VDH BESG'97 Ardunacres Diplomat
Ch Ardunacres Olympic Choice
Ardunacres Rock Bay Nikki

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