
Golden Retriever

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Sun Dance's Cella  (7/23/1980-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Sun Dance's Cella
Am. Ch. Sun Dance's Alexander OS [5.5 years]
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Am. CH. Sunset's Happy Duke OS [8.5 years]
Am CH Cragmount's Peter OS SDHF
Glen Willow's Happy Talk OD
Amber Lady Of Tercor Farm
Am./Can. CH. Cragmount's Double Eagle
Am. CH. Cragmount's Golden Wallis
Little Dawn Of Chickasaw OD
Am. CH. Golden Pine's High Farms Fez WC OS
Am. CH. Ritz of High Farms OS [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Golden Pine's Bambi's Lady OD
High Farms Chickasaws Gale
Am. CH. High Farms Band's Clarion OS [2 years]
Am. CH. Tansy of High Farms Canada *** WC OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Contessa OD [11 years]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Esquire CD OS SDHF
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Yankee Dollar
Am. CH. Tumbleweed Of Sprucewood SDHF
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Athena CD OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Gulie
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF [11 years]
Am. CH. Sprucewood's Glamour Girl UD OD [11.5 years]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Taffeta Doll CDX OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Sand Piper CDX
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF [11 years]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Chorus Girl CD
Sun Dance's Fancy Pants
Am./Can. CH. Sun Dance's Vagabond Lover CDX SDHF OS [12.5 years]
Sun Dance's Golden Girl II CD
Am/Can CH. Sundance Cher of Goldenwire
Am/Can CH. Kyrie Daemon CDX WC OS Can. CD [11.5 years]
Des Lacs Delaware
Am. CH. Gilder of Elsiville OS [7.5 years]
Mazuel Of Elsiville
Una of Elsiville
Am./Can. CH. Des Lacs Lassie CD WC OD SDHF [ years]
Giltway Strike ***
Maryann of Roc-Roix
Am. CH. Gayhaven Harmony CDX [10 years]
Am/Can CH. Gilder's Wingra Beau OS
Am. CH. Gilder of Elsiville OS [7.5 years]
Rock River Sue
Wide Water Flirt [8 years]
Duke of Barrington **
Wildwood Music Maid
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Contessa OD [11 years]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Esquire CD OS SDHF
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Yankee Dollar
Am. CH. Tumbleweed Of Sprucewood SDHF
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Athena CD OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Gulie
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF [11 years]
Am. CH. Sprucewood's Glamour Girl UD OD [11.5 years]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Taffeta Doll CDX OD
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Sand Piper CDX
Am. CH. Indian Knoll's Roc-Cloud UD OS OBHF [11 years]
Am. CH. Sun Dance's Chorus Girl CD
Sun Dance's Fancy Pants
Am./Can. CH. Sun Dance's Vagabond Lover CDX SDHF OS [12.5 years]
Sun Dance's Golden Girl II CD

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