
Golden Retriever

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N U Ch Apports Camilla  (1961-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

N U Ch Apports Camilla
Fin./Nor. CH. Apports Larry Jr.
Eng. FT. CH. Stubblesdown Larry
Eng. CH. Dorcas Glorious of Slat
Dorcas Bruin [10.5 years]
Eng. CH. Davie Of Yelme
Sally Of Perrott
Stella Of Slat
Eng. Dual CH. Anningsley Stingo
Anningsley Dawn
Eng. Dual CH. Stubblesdown Golden Lass
Stubbings Golden Garry
Stubbings Golden Fandangle
Alresford Tessa
Stubbings Golden Olympia
Stubbings Golden Typhoon
Stubbings Golden Lalage
Stubblesdown Begay [14.5 years]
Stubblesdown Nearula
Dorcas Timberscombe Topper
Dorcas Bruin [10.5 years]
Timberscombe Trefoil
Eng. CH. Braconlea Gaiety
Dorcas Bruin [10.5 years]
Stubbings Golden Olympia
Lassie's Golden Linndie
Stubblesdown Earl
Stubblesdown Riot
Stubblesdown Lola
Golden Cedar
Stubbings Golden Villian
Brompton Lassie
FINUCH Apports Annette
Count Leo of Little Compton
Duke of Timothy
Sherrydan Damson
Stubbings Golden Dandylyon
Light Sherry
Comelan Girl
Gardens Golden Boy/Yardens Golden Boy
Sheila Dorsea
Honeyat Derry-Down-Dilly
Dorcas Timberscombe Topper
Dorcas Bruin [10.5 years]
Timberscombe Trefoil
Camrose Annette
Eng. Ch. Colin of Rosecott
Golden Camrose Tess
Borghallas Golden Sanni [ years]
Stubblesdown Tinker
Stubblesdown Torrdale Trueman
Torrdale Don Juan
Torrdale Honey
Stubblesdown Countess
Dimpath Golden Ray
Stubblesdown Crystal
Borghallas Star
Strelley Starlight
Strelley Flash
Strelley Unity
Barthill Fanny [ years]
Sandy of Westcroftley
Barthill Brumblitz

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