K9data.comNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

LP1 SE VCH Working Beauty's Adorable Aida  (4/6/2001-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

LP1 SE VCH Working Beauty's Adorable Aida
LPI SE LCH SE U(U)CH Hircum's Lorenzo [11 years]
LP SE VCH Rödahunds And-Ivar
Lyonhouse Andrew
Harbourlights Scotia Duke of Lyonhouse
Hilan Lad of Harbourlights
Harbourlights Nova Nipper
Jem's Hamish's Girl of Lyonhouse
Can Ch Tayann Teddy Bear
Can Ch Westerlea's Glittering Jem CD
Harbourlights Nifty Nickie
Harbourlights Regent Rusty
Boo-Evil of Harbourlights
Harbourlights Scotia Belle
Harbourlights Tilly The Toller
Harbourlights Scotia Boy
Harbourlight's Happy Hooker
LP Benili's Hekla [11.5 years]
SE UCH Riverduck of Drögsta
Harbourlights Scotia Boy
Chin-Peek Golden Lucky Kim
Harbour Lights Foxy Nisku
Harbourlights Foxy Amber
Harbourlights Mighty Mike
Harbourlights Foxy Tawny
Drogstas Pomperipossa
Harbourlights Laddie Buck [15 years]
Harbourlights Fundy Pal
Harbourlights Foxy Tawny
SE V-91 Birdcherrys Nova
CA CH NORD V-87 Liscot's Turn The Page WC [7 years]
Jalna's Oneka The One N Only [ years]
LPI S LCH Aindow's Cassandra
Flottatjarn's Prima Heta Hebbe
Nordwart Priamos
Willo-B's Rip Curl [1 years]
Can/US Ch Harbourlights Rip Tide CDX WC ROM [13 years]
Tunaka's Whippoorwill
Harbourlights Pick Up Sticks
Harbourlights Gorgeous George
Harbourlights Foxy Amber
Flottatjarn's Buck's Birdie
Harbourlights Laddie Buck [15 years]
Harbourlights Fundy Pal
Harbourlights Foxy Tawny
Oldholbans Frances Mac of Lyonhouse
Harbourlights Douglas Stuart of Lyonhouse
LUX CH NL CH BELGW-93-94 Lyonhouse Arbella Stuart [5.5 years]
Aindow's Beauty
SE V-96 SE V-98 Fairchilds Nicholas
Ricky (S44780/89)
Jalna's Zealous Zephyr [10.5 years]
Flyingtollers Ronja (S67653/85)
Drogstas Mio Pa Fairchilds
SE UCH Riverduck of Drögsta
Ravtassens Micmac
Flyingtollers Sara Elaisa
Jalna's Gentle Giant
Westerlea's Voyageur of Jalna
Can Ch Jalna's Legendary Love
N UCH Jalna's Onolee Over The Ocean
Can CH Jalna's Red Emperor
Sproul's Jennifer Jalna

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