K9data.comNova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

Edlyn Danbury Rhapsody N Red  (2/25/2000-7/25/2015)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Edlyn Danbury Rhapsody N Red
ARBA Ch Westerlea Coast'l Tradewinds CD RN WCI Can CD WC ROMX [13.5 years]
Benili's Ghats [15 years]
SE UCH Riverduck of Drögsta
Harbourlights Scotia Boy
Chin-Peek Golden Lucky Kim
Harbour Lights Foxy Nisku
Harbourlights Foxy Amber
Harbourlights Mighty Mike
Harbourlights Foxy Tawny
Drogstas Pomperipossa
Harbourlights Laddie Buck [15 years]
Harbourlights Fundy Pal
Harbourlights Foxy Tawny
SE V-91 Birdcherrys Nova
CA CH NORD V-87 Liscot's Turn The Page WC [7 years]
Jalna's Oneka The One N Only [ years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Jane Eyre [14.5 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Digby Schooner
Chin-Peek Kitt's Barney [15.5 years]
Can Ch Chin-Peek Kel's Happy Toby
Chin-Peek Kel's Kitty
Can Ch Westerlea's Bonny Bluenose [14 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's First Lieutenant CD [12 years]
Can Ch Sundrummers Seawitch [12 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Echo of Shelley CD [12.5 years]
Can Ch Sandycove's Gold Horizon CD WC
Can Ch Westerlea's Coast To Coast CD
Can Ch Westerlea's Summer Sunset [13.5 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Copper Vixen [16 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's White Ensign [12 years]
Can Ch Sundrummers Seawitch [12 years]
Edlyn Secondchance at Roslyn CGC [5 years]
HRCH U-UD CH Springvale's Roy'll Flush CDX MH WCX [10.5 years]
Can Ch Glenmaurs Casey of Elias WC MADC AAD FM [12 years]
Can/US Ch Harbourlights Rip Tide CDX WC ROM [13 years]
Harbourlights Ala Gatter
Wabanaki's Village Vixen
Can Ch Westerlea's Sprig of Holly
Can Ch Sandycove's Gold Horizon CD WC
Can Ch Westerlea's Bonny Bluenose [14 years]
BISS CAN/US CH Sagewood's Silver Shadow CDX WC [ years]
Can CH OTCH Westerlea's Mountain Echo UD WCI [11 years]
Can Ch Jennella's Breton MacNamuir CD
Can Ch Westerlea's Bonny Bluenose [14 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Audacious Wave CDX [9.5 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Flying Fox [15.5 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Vital Spark
Danbury's Southern Fancy CD CGC TDI [10.5 years]
Cinnstar's Johnny Walker Red
Harbourlights Nedgewick
Harbourlights Fundy Pal
Harbourlights Foxy Tawny
CAN/MEX CH Cinnstar's Western Ptarmigan
Can Ch Westerlea's First Lieutenant CD [12 years]
CAN/MEX CH Westerlea's Cinnamon Teal CAN/MEX CD GRCA WC [ years]
SKC CH Aspen Gold's Southern Rose
CAN/MEX CH HR Cinnstar's Ian of Little River*** CAN/MEX/NSDTRC CD WC
Solidaire of Jeffery Coldwell CD
CAN/MEX CH Westerlea's Cinnamon Teal CAN/MEX CD GRCA WC [ years]
Ch Can Ch Westerlea's Tippy Micmac CD
Can Ch Sandycove At Westerlea CD WC [11 years]
Can Ch Westerlea's Bonny Bluenose [14 years]

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