K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Basko vom Velthover Winkel  (3/22/2015-)

Five generation pedigree:

Basko vom Velthover Winkel
E.T. Hunter vom Heveser Hoff [FCI A1/A1]
FTCh Blackfoot Scout of Minstead [BVA 2/0]
FTCh Millcottage Pathfinder [BVA 3/2]
FTCh Carolhill Crusader of Brocklebank [ 1/2]
UK & IR FT Ch Drumnamoe Shot of Ernevale [BVA 3/3]
Glenloch Charmer [ 6/4]
Pasturelands Amber of Millcottage [ 4/3]
UK FTCh Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead [BVA 2/3]
FTW Eastdale Cora [ 3/4]
Ebonys Perfect Image [ 3/6]
Millcottage Bryn [ 6/5]
FTW Artistryn Bryn of Pasturelands [ 4/6]
Millcottage Daisy [ 4/6]
Ebony Break Bracken [ 5/5]
FTCh Styperson Grouse [BVA 3/9]
Flash High
Cleo vom Heveser Hoff [ B2]
Artus vom Keien Fenn [ B2]
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh [BVA 4 / 4]
FTCh Palgrave Quin [BVA 2/2]
FTCh Tibea Topaz
Birdrowe Candy [FCI B2]
FTW Ashbrooke Alfie [BVA 5/2]
Nellie of Killuney [ 7/4]
Balou vom Keien Fenn [ A2]
Vasco vom Keien Fenn [ A2]
CJS'91 Minnows Water Botho WT, BHP, BLP, SpJGP, JEPs [ B2]
Riesling vom Keien Fenn [ A2]
Wanda vom Keien Fenn [ B2]
Leicester vom Keien Fenn [ A2]
N'debele Zibet [BVA 3/3]
Amy von der Alteburg [ A2/A2]
Dalmore of Gilead [ A2]
Alex vom Osterbachtal [ A1]
Flightline Jackpot [ A1]
FTW Tweedshot Morris of Elmbrook [ 3/3]
Madonna of Flightline
Jule of Hunters Heide [ A1]
DKJCH Sparkfield Tobias [ A2]
Dt Ch, VDH Ch Gina of Hunters Heide WT, BHP, BLP, JEP, SwIII/, Btr, Markpr.B [FCI A1]
Daily Amanda Girl [A1 Bettina Lunn]
FTW Bellever Simon [BVA 3 / 3]
FTCh Birdbrook Aston of Bellever [BVA 2/2]
Highdunscott Amy [ 1 /4]
Dreamer Dusty [BVA 0/2]
FTCh Birdbrook Aston of Bellever [BVA 2/2]
Bellever Dilly
Aike vom alten Trappisten Kloster [ A2/B2]
Sesam aus Lühlsbusch [ A2]
FTW Augustus Tuplady of Leospring [BVA 0/0]
Leospring Mars Marine [BVA 6:11]
Tasoner Total Eclipse [BVA 3:2]
Nessie aus Lühlsbusch [ B1]
Southland's Savvy [ B1]
Anna von der Femeiche [ 0]
Savage Run Bente [ C2]
Dreamacres Firefly [ C1]
FTCh Kenue Fir of Leadburn [BVA 7/7]
Leadburn Fancy of Dreamacres [ 0/3]
Any Ragweed von der Plettenh?tte [ A2]
Bartok von der Schallerm?hle [ A1]
Amy von der Langen Lacke [ A1]

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