Labrador Retriever
Stoatshead Emma (7/28/2014-)
Five generation pedigree:
Stoatshead Emma
Int FT Ch Danestone Tweed
FTW Levenghyl Baccarat at Lochmuir
FTCh Levenghyl Isle of Aaran
FTCh Hamford Zealot of Highsea's
FTCh Pocklea Remus
FTW Hamford Jay
FTCh Glenpatrick Eve
FTCh Garendon Captain
FTCh Glenpatrick Halo
FTCh Shadowbrae Mist of Levenghyl
GB FTCh Endacott Stoer of Quabrook
FTW Ewshot Liffey
FTCh Endacott's Queen
FTCh Brockweir Vanda of Shadowbrae
FTCh Goldscleugh's Butler of Shadowbrae
FTCh Brockweir Plum
Tweedshot Shingle
Pocklea Captain of Lincswolds
Tweedshot Kestrel
Medos Scoter of Tweedshot
Tweedshot Estelle
Pocklea Black Bee
FTCh Saxaphone Express
FTCh Pocklea Nettle
OFTW Tweedshot Mango
FTCh Craighorn Bracken (KCSB 3306CI)
UK FTCh Aughacasla Sam of Drakeshead
FTCh Lochmuir Bonnie
Tweedshot Estelle
Elmbrook Lancer of Tweedshot
Tweedshot Quibble
Bayard von den Hochangern
Int. FTCH Blackthorn Achenar
Int FT Ch Kelland Ross
FTCh Glenbriar Solo
FTCh Pocklea Remus
IrlFTCh Glenbriar Quest
Kelland Rademon Patsy
FTCh Glenbriar Dare
Glenbriar Sara
Int. FTCH Gianna of Carinthia
FTW Buttermead Crusader
FTCh Birdbrook Aston of Bellever
FTW Jade Silhouette
Brindlebay Ant
FTW Knockeen Thumper
FTW Saxthorpe Domino of Brindlebay
FTW Waterfriend Ring
FTCh Pointraire Cromwell
FTCh Pocklea Remus
FTCh Haretor Mark of Drakeshead
FTCh Drakeshead Gypsy
Leawyn Leola Of Pointraire Ft.W.
GB FTCh Tibea Tosh
Irl.Ft.Ch. Woodbrook Wonder of Leawyn
Greenbriar Cider of Waterfriend
FTCh Morayglen Tinker
FTCh Kenue Fir of Leadburn
Jessys Girl Morayglen
FTW Greenbriar Solitaire
FTCh Pocklea Remus
Fobbingacre Fern of Greenbriar
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