
Golden Retriever

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Lindas Jolly Miss Molly  (12/24/2009-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Lindas Jolly Miss Molly
Foxhollows Flying Solo
Am. CH Meadowpond Alberta Clipper CD GRCA OS [12 years]
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF [9 years]
Am/Can CH. Freedom's Celebration OS [14 years]
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF [9.5 years]
Am. CH Laurell's Xpectations OD [11.5 years]
Am. CH. Laurell's Scarlett O'Beara OD SDHF
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
Am Ch Laurell Yats Of Luck OD
Am/Can Ch Meadowpond Teasel CDX OD [13.5 years]
Can. CH. OTCH. Camrose Betimmy Am. UD, Am./Can. OS [12 years]
Lovehayne Betimotei of Camrose [13 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Gyrima Wystonia Of Camrose [11.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Jagersbo Meadowpond Melody Am./Can. CD OD [12.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Bardfield Boomer UDT WC OS OBHF Can. UD TDX [14.5 years]
Lacons Impish Maid At Jagersbo
Golden Delights Honey
Shamon The Golden Delight
Dusty Rocky Rhodes
Beau's Prince Charming
Beau's Dixie Gin Gin
Beau's Luicille Belle
Beau's Bigbright Lite
Beau's Misty Morning Star
Cherry The Sundae Delight
Skipper Campbell Lane
Meadowpond Sun Of Nashua CD
Hearthside's Sweet Julie
Rosie Campbell Lane
Honey Bear Brandon
Penny Velvet Gordon
Tessa Regale Of Lexington
Scout Beethoven Sawyer
Yellow Mellow Sawyer
Oregon's Yukon Riley
Trailsends Dakota Sunrise
Ormik's Mistic Fire
Golden Sunshine Molly Mabrey
Jw's My Boy Jake
Bardens Molly McGee
Asti Bri Anna
Rambo Von Otto
Autumn Country Sunlight
Tarna Irwin's Isis
Ward's Cattail Cody
Golden Boy Shiloh
Meadowpond RB Oliver O' Lakes
Tory's Shelby G T
Numerich's Littlebit Of Honey
Numerich's Suzie Q
Merideth's Sheba
Dusty Sugar Bear
Meadowponds Cedar Sage
Golden Mandilion
Winding Way's Rosie
Goviers Sugarbear Nila Magic
Lady Shantely Lace CD

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