Labrador Retriever
Nordic Warrior
Five generation pedigree:
Nordic Warrior
Mission Mountain Ninja
FC AFC CFC CAFC DB's Cracker Of Clubmead
[OFA LR-77969G24M]
2xCNAFC 2xNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
[OFA LR-46627G24M-T]
CNFC CNAFC Waldorf's High Tech
[OFA LR-22799-T]
CFC Rascal's Super Spud
[OFA LR-9962-T]
Itchin's Flying Tiger ***
Ebonaceae Princess WCX QA2
[OFA LR-21503-T]
Trieven El Conquistador
Skookum's Sky Raider
Duffglenn's Sparks Will Fly ***
[OFA LR-54098E24F-T]
CFC CAFC Wannamaker's Corporal Cody
[OFA LR-42005G26M-T]
FTCH AFTCH Dashing Ebony Rook
[OFA LR-20672-T]
Honcho's Super Jet
[OFA Good]
Lacombe's Santina
[OFA Excellent]
Win-Toba's Saber of Naomi
Lacombes Aspen Lady
AFC Sparkle Plenty of Horn Creek
[OFA LR-47033G26F]
Code Red
[OFA LR-31572G89M]
Super Powder
1968NFC 2xNAFC Super Chief
[ LR-51]
FC Martens Black Powder Kate
Twiggy's Classy Rascal
[OFA LR-6331]
NAFC FC AFC Ray's Rascal
[OFA LR-609 ]
FC Wanapum Twiggy
[OFA LR-1923]
Jessi's Pursuit of Autumn Wind
[OFA Good]
FC AFC Trumarc's Hot Pursuit
[OFA LR-12851]
NFC FC AFC San Joaquin Honcho
[OFA LR-8594]
NFC FC AFC Risky Business Ruby
Terry's Fortune Cookie
NAFC FC AFC Dude's Double Or Nothin
Eat a Peach
Chena River Dash A Lot
[OFA Good]
FC AFC CAFC Chena River Chavez
[OFA LR-73153G24M]
2xCNAFC 2xNAFC FC CFC Ebonstar Lean Mac
[OFA LR-46627G24M-T]
CNFC CNAFC Waldorf's High Tech
[OFA LR-22799-T]
CFC Rascal's Super Spud
[OFA LR-9962-T]
Itchin's Flying Tiger ***
Ebonaceae Princess WCX QA2
[OFA LR-21503-T]
Trieven El Conquistador
Skookum's Sky Raider
FC AFC CAFC CNFC Chena River No Surprise
[OFA LR-29783G24F]
AFC Super Khomeini
[OFA LR-23325]
Super Powder
FC AFC Chena River Misty
[OFA LR-7752]
AFC Powder Keg Meg
[OFA LR-17052]
Super Powder
Ruby's Burning Daylight
[OFA LR-7252]
Wingmaster's Classical Sass
[OFA Good]
FC AFC Wilderness Harley To Go
[OFA LR-19528]
FC AFC Itchin' To Go
[OFA LR-7825]
FC AFC Air Express
[OFA LR-712]
Stillwater Peggy
AFC Black Golds Candlewood Kate
[OFA LR-13155]
2 x NAFC FC River Oak's Rascal
[OFA LR-855]
FC AFC Candlewood's Nellie B Good
[OFA LR-5017]
Candlewood's Alotta Zip
[OFA Good]
NAFC FC AFC Trumarc's Zip Code
[OFA LR-10091]
NFC FC AFC San Joaquin Honcho
[OFA LR-8594]
Seymour's Windjammer Mist
[OFA LR-7179]
3xNFC AFC Candlewoods Tanks A Lot
[OFA LR-33631G27F]
NFC NAFC FC AFC Candlewoods Super Tanker
[OFA LR-22669]
Candlewoods Tiz Too
[OFA LR-20201]
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