K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Triniti Dzhoe Mindsummer Glow

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Triniti Dzhoe Mindsummer Glow
CIE Ch. Farnfield Chingachguk
Wildn'Beauty's Paco Rabanne
CH.NOR Birchbrook Barley Wine of Charway
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
Charway Uncle Tom
Sh Ch Cambremer All That Jazz
Eng Sh Ch Birchbrook Victoria Plum
Brandhams Show Stopper
Birchbrook Plum Pudding
Oakroad's Chateau
Cadonau's Expresso Love
BISS AmCh, Int.Ch,NL/Lux.Ch. Raintree Slippery When Wet JH [15 years]
Sea-Birds Yummy Chocolate Pudding
Winnie's Curl Girl
NORD UCH Guideline's Copyright [13 years]
Novacroft Madeleine
Farnfield Tiramisu JW
Penny Royal's Dutchman at Farnfield
NL Ch Rocheby Royal Marine [15 years]
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner
Rocheby Shady Lady
Farbourne's Tiebreak
Donalbain Shadow
Farbourne's Hole in One (NHSB 1696734)
Farnfield Lilly
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
Charway Uncle Tom
Sh Ch Cambremer All That Jazz
Tazlyn Karabea at Farnfield
GB Sh Ch Merrymills Thistle
Farnfield Flamingo at Tazlyn
CH Triniti Dzhoi Algena [10.5 years]
CH Powerful De Saint Urbain
Little Big Man de Saint Urbain
LU CH NL CH Lejie Royal Mail
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak [12 years]
Lejie Lovely Lady
Inky de Saint Urbain
Donalbain Shadow
CHIB, DE, LUX Ch Dance With Me de Saint Urbain
Cadbury's Aranda For Saint Urbain
Mardas Maroon
GB ShCh Mardas Master Mariner
Mardas Mulled Wine
Woomera's Bindinibindiri
VDH CH DE CH NL CH Balnova Sultan [14 years]
Fogel Hlara Moore River Mermaid
Tim Stil Ulisa [8.5 years]
Mallorn's Chocolate Czar [11.5 years]
CanCH, ChJpn Loresho Tango
FI UCH Loresho Ozzie
Boothgates Letter Writer
Boothgates Headliner
Boothgates Scene Stealer
Sabrina (dau of Stanley of Lucifers Delight)
Multi Ch Stanley of Lucifers Delight [15.5 years]
IntCh.Belg.Fr.Ger.Lux.Ned.Rus.Ch. Quatro of Lucifers Delight
Testa Rossa v.d. Floretty Hof
Frabes Treisy Retriever
Zhakvest Fram
Kinel Bessy Dan

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