
Golden Retriever

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Daisy Laque Millie  (4/23/2006-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Daisy Laque Millie
Golden King Of Rock N Roll
Boy JR. ''B. J.'' Burns
Golden Boy Burns
King Casidine Of Circle Hill
Steadman's Golden Pines Ace
Quinnelly's Miss Alabama
Golden Ozark Sundance
Teque's Southren Sundance
Dingus's Molly Bell
Golden Angel Girl
Sir Brady Aslan
Jessie Mae's Golden Chip
Lady Chatterly Ludwig
Shelby Louise Jones
Sir Samuel Of Oakhill
Sorenson's Lady Samantha
Boy's ''Sissy Girl'' Burns
Golden Boy Burns
King Casidine Of Circle Hill
Steadman's Golden Pines Ace
Quinnelly's Miss Alabama
Golden Ozark Sundance
Teque's Southren Sundance
Dingus's Molly Bell
Golden Angel Girl
Sir Brady Aslan
Jessie Mae's Golden Chip
Lady Chatterly Ludwig
Shelby Louise Jones
Sir Samuel Of Oakhill
Sorenson's Lady Samantha
Dixie Annabelles Peach
Bailey From Top Ace
Golden Brandy From Top Ace
Sam The Golden Hunter
Yogis Golden Leaves Abrezze
Golden Leaves In Autumn
Gingerbread Of Amber Crocket
Crockett Of Averyglen
Emerald's Amber Moon Rising
Precious Sweet Heart
M R Bristol
Aurora's Lady Pupers
Auroras Sunray Victorious
Maggie Peaches May
Valentine's Annabelle Lee

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