K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Liverpool Delle Acque Lucenti  (5/22/1999-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Liverpool Delle Acque Lucenti
ChIB, ChIT, ChRipIT Halloweenight delle Acque Lucenti
Glenmore Latin-Lover
DRC-/Nl./VDH-/LCD-CH. Sunny Loch My Mystery Man
GB SH CH Heatherbourne Court Jester
GB ShCh Bradking Cassidy
GB.Sh.Ch. Copperhill Lyric of Heatherbourne
NL Ch Sunny Loch's Kinlochgowrae
NL Ch Cranspire Skytrain
NL/Lux.-Ch. Elvelege Pennyroyal
Glenmore It's Only Me Zoe
Ch Gladlab Easy Guy
Int.Ch. Gladlab Chase My Charlie
Int.Ch Blondella Ball'Et
CH Glenmore Godiva
Tendringham's Z-Ace
It Ch, CHIB Uriel Du Vallon De Villard
Tootsy of Crooked House
Ch Gladlab Easy Guy
Int.Ch. Gladlab Chase My Charlie
GB Ch Carpenny Chevalier
Sudeo Carefree of Heatherbourne
Int.Ch Blondella Ball'Et
UK CH Keysun Krispin of Blondella
GB. Ch. Blondella Ballerina
Ch Katie Of Crooked House
Ch Upstart of Tintagel Winds
Fr.Am.Int.Ch.World Ch. Sandylands Rip Van Winkle [12.5 years]
CH Ballyduff Sunflower
Toopines Moon Blossom
Clansman of Suddie
Toopines Jessica
Gemma Des Iles Du Canyon
Int. Cs. Ch. Genisval Jiggery Pokerry Ace
Roll the Dice to Lawnwood
GB CH Lawnwoods Midnight Folly
Lawnwood Fandango
Lawnwoods Starglow
Lawnwoods Gorgeous Girty (female Labrador)
Follytower Sound of Music at Lawnwood
Sh.Ch. Rockabee Gretel of Lawnwood
Pollys Pride of Genisval
GB Sh Ch Newinn Kestrel
UK Ch Keysun Teko of Blondella
Newinn Fleur
Heatherbourne Genista
Heatherbourne Silver Crown
Grace of Heatherbourne
Philipstown Dancing Gay
IR CH Poolstead Pocket Knife
UK Sh Ch, Am CH Receiver Of Cranspire [15 years]
NL Ch Cranspire Skytrain
Pollys Pride of Genisval
UK ShCh Poolstead Pegg
Eng Sh Ch Poolstead Preferential
GB.Sh.Ch. Poolstead Postal Vote
Philipstown Dancer (IKC 31820)
Ch Philipstown Gay Duke
GB Ch Sandylands Mark
Sandylands Good Tidings
Killegar Wonder
ShCh Poolstead Problem JW
IR Ch. Killegar Star

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