
Golden Retriever

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Jazzy's Little Bit-O-Honey

Five generation pedigree:

Jazzy's Little Bit-O-Honey
Master Sebastian Selestow
Theodore Baer
Pennywate Karmel Henshaw
Malagold Pennywate Jason
Am. CH. Appollo Of Yeo OS
Malagold Beckwith Bootes OD
Misty's Golden Glow
Sancho Panza Of Los Robles
Autumn Mist II
Dawn's Dusty Sunshine
David's Sunny Buffy
Cedaridge Summer Lightning
Leigh Of Moonage Daydream
April's Golden Dawn
Warlord of Vanderburgh
Straeffer's Golden Ami Dawn CD
Shelly Belle Mattie
Ed's Lucky Cuss
Golden Mr Max
Rusty Marsh
Golden Tanya IV
Calypso The Gypsy
Woodsmall's Golden Boy
Lee's Golden Buff
Gypsy Bramble Murphy
Butche's Barney Boy
Butch Holstrom Son Of Czar
Golden Dutches Of Siddartha
Sugar Rose
Brackenhollow's Sir Herbert CDX *
Cameo Of Brackenhollow
Miss Jazzy Dreams
Hillock's Daydreamer
Am Can CH Laurell's Sloth Bear CD WC SDHF
Laurell's Bad News Bear
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF
Am Ch Laurell Yats Of Luck OD
Laurell's Whatatwat OD
Am Ch Oncore-Laurell's All American
AM CH Laurell's Honey 'N Spice
Sunstream Laurell's Dreamer ** WCX
FC AFC Tigathoe's Kiowa II OS FDHF
FC AFC FTCH Bonnie Brooks Elmer OS FDHF
Tigathoe's Chickasaw *** OD
Am./Can. CH. Topbrass Topeka of Sunstream CD WC OD
Dual CH AFC Ronakers Novato Cain CD OS DDHF FDHF
Valentine Torch of Topbrass WC OD
Missy Belle Blue
Ruff Country's Nottingham
Am. CH. Shargleam Ferryman OS
Eng. SH. CH. Nortonwood Checkmate
Shargleam Amethyst
Am. CH. Hunts Interlude
Am. CH. Hunt's Copperfield Daemon CD TD WC OS SDHF
Xanadu's Solo Of Hunt
Naimarks Restart Again
Pierce's Sir Buck
Hoppe's Guy Red
Hoppe's Golden Rae
Deirdre's Cnoch or of Bran
Am./Can. CH. Carmel Goldens Bailiff
Am/Can CH. Deirdre's Bran Or OD

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