
Golden Retriever

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Birdsgreen Sweet Realm  (1/16/2004-)

Five generation pedigree:

Birdsgreen Sweet Realm
FTW Castlemans Beaver
Tanleighden Elvis at Cleynehage
Boris of Burton
Blustery Lad
FTW Belway Flick of Flightline
Rushmeadow Tansy
Olga of Barkway
Penkyll Brigand
Willow of Starston
Kenar Mystical
Haulstone Tamar
Haulstone Tern
Haulstone Perry
Winter Jasmin
Pengelli Jeremy
Miss Honey's Delight
FTW Crunchy Castlemans Lima
Cleynehage Grote Thomas
FTW Milestone Porthos
Ermington Pyrrhus
Brunhilde Cosima
Coppermead Delia with Cleyne Hage
Lindale Solo
Monksmead Belle of Coppermead
Tammy Crunch
Muskan Mayerling of Brackengold
Ashwater Xanthe of Brackengold
Eng. SH. CH. Hingstondown Notoriety Of Muskan
Tamora of Fernlea
Clearwell Casanova
Rossut Charm
Birdsgreen Pampered Gale
FTW Canburne Fennel of Lafayette
Eng. FT. CH. Rossmhor of Clancallum
FTW Willowric Andy
F.T.W. David's Boy Brandy
Brenjon Celeste
Mallardhurn Golden Flo
Butlers Arms Fergus Mhor
Golden Penny of Mallardhurn
FTW Deadcraft Dona of Leeglen
FTW Milestone Porthos
Ermington Pyrrhus
Brunhilde Cosima
Eng. FT. CH. Standerwick Donna Of Deadcraft
Golden Copper Of Leeanchor
Standerwick Belinda
FTW Elmbrook Kitty
Eng. FT. CH. Ben Of Codicote
Eng. FT. CH. Rossmhor of Clancallum
FTW Willowric Andy
Mallardhurn Golden Flo
Gorgous Goldie
Findpoint Fluke Of Elmbrook (Field Trial Winner)
Katie Of Hitchin
Glenconway Anna
Leeanchor's Firecrest of Glenconway
Eng. FT. CH. Earnsfield Teal
Abnalls Jay
Bednall Kizzy FTW
Abnalls Humphrey
Berwig Amanda of Bednall

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