
Golden Retriever

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Fantasy Fly Bambina  (7/21/2014-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Fantasy Fly Bambina
Vice-JEW'12 , CH SwedenUA,MOL,RO , JCH UA, RUS Thevenet Pep's Team
Remington Ringmaster [10.5 years]
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW [12 years]
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood [11.5 years]
Sansue Castalian KCJW SGWC
Perrimay Sea Harp
Eng. SH. CH. Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC [8 years]
Ritzilyn Centre-Fold
Eng.Sh.Ch Remington Remember Me KCJW
Eng Sh Ch Elswood The Highlander
Eng. SH. CH. Jobeka Jasper of Nortonwood
Eng Sh Ch Westley Clementina
Remington Rosette
Remington Rocket [13.5 years]
Remington Ritzy [12 years]
Thevenet Vanidad Mistica
C.I.E, C.I.B, MOL CH Thevenet Lord Of The Rings CAT CH, CER CH '11'12, CER Top Stud '11, TRIALER [10.5 years]
SPA, PT, LUX CH. De Na Mora Hippy Of The 70's [7.5 years]
Ninell Kenwyn
Helvet Can Priluki Ukraine
Justify My Love de Ducado de Espinosa
V-EW'04, Mlt & IntCh,GrChUa,ChMol/Bye/Rus/Bul/Pol Robin Hood of Glen Sheallag All-ukrainian Winner'03, 05, Winner of RRC [10 years]
SPA CH Script Girl of Glen Sheallag
Thevenet Diabolic Dreams
INT CH, CH SPA, UA, LUX, RU, BY, MOL, CAT Real McCoy of Glen Sheallag TRIALER, CAC at WDS 2003, CH CER'02 [11 years]
NUCH SUCH Inassicas Song Of Songs
Next Please of Glen Sheallag
Desde El Ducado del Llac Petit
Sea Wind N Music Of Glen Sheallag
Helvet Can Patricia
Magiya Key of Heart
CH Ukr,JCH Ukr,Mld Hollywood Smile Aurum Spirit
Grand CH UKR, CH UKR, CH RUS, JCH RUS, Trialer Ambergold GK Keen Pleasure
Eng. Ch. Xanthos Tom Foolery JW SGWC
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC [8 years]
Xanthos Rahnee
Int,Rus,Ger,VDH Ch. / Rus. JCh. Xanthos Orinoco
Sh Ch & Ir Sh Ch Gunhills Blue River
German Ch Xanthos Lah Di Dah SGWC
GrChUa, JChUa, ChUa,CH Blr Lad Unity Blondess Queen [14 years]
IntCh, GrChRus, ChRus, Bye, RKF, NRC Rossmix No Secrets [13 years]
NORD UCH INT UCH Rossmix No Regrets [9 years]
Rossmix Waiting for You
ChRus, Bye, Ua, RKF, NRC , JChRus Lad Unity Augusta
V-EW'04, Mlt & IntCh,GrChUa,ChMol/Bye/Rus/Bul/Pol Robin Hood of Glen Sheallag All-ukrainian Winner'03, 05, Winner of RRC [10 years]
MultCh, ChUa, Rus, Bye, RKF, NRC Skandi Sanraiz Wizardy
Luciya Key of Heart
IntCh,ChUa,Mol,Bel,Ro,Bul Altair Sten Estrella Blanka [14 years]
IntCh,ChRus,Ua,Mol,Bel Stanroph Super Shotto
Aust./Eng. Ch. Stanroph Shogun KCJW [12 years]
Xanthos Lemon Grass Among Stanroph
ChUa,Rus,Mol,Bel Estrella Blanka
IntCh, ChUa, Rus, Mol, Rkf Goldstep Acoustic Sound
ChRus,Bel,Ua Tsubura Mimoza [11.5 years]
Luciya Samiy Luchshiy Drug
Astor Hanter Koplova
Banzay Samiy Luchshiy Drug
Stefani Samiy Luchshiy Drug
Grinta-Varli Grand Mix
Ekzotik Lend Giatsint
Barbie Golden Star Aurang For

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