
Golden Retriever

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The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Inter Ch, JCh BLR,JChRus, JCh NRC,ChRus,ChNRC,ChRKF,CACIB Golden von Schwarcz Edward
Multi JCH, Multi Ch Bonett Bride Double Decker EUROPEAN WINNER 2011+BOB [12.5 years]
Italian / San Marino/Swedish/Austrian/Int. CH. Pinkerly Never Say Never Giovane Promessa ENCI
Eng.Sh.Ch Shardanell Castaspell JW
Ipcress Sir Thomas
Lovehayne Scarlet Sage For Shardanell [5 years]
It. Ch. Don't Worry Be Happy (LOI 03-7603)
Trialer, Int Ch, Fr/Lux/Nd/VDH Ch Beeangee Jumping Jack Flash [12.5 years]
Ch. A Purple Rain (LOI 99/177083) [13.5 years]
Multi CH CIE & CIB Bossa Nova de Ria Vela Working BIS, res.Working BIS
Edgar de La Charola
SPA/PT CH Charola Mississippi [13.5 years]
Shaphiron Debonair
Seven Angels de Ria Vela [12.5 years]
JEW'04, SPA CH, GBZ JCH Zampanzar Always You [10 years]
Toscane du Bois de la Rayere
CIE. Ch. Best Wishes of the Famous Family
Int. Sh. Ch , Int. Ch , Lux/Dk/Dt-VDH/Swiss/Fr. Ch Ashbury Angel Heart [12.5 years]
International, French, Luxembourg Ch. Taram du Bois de la Rayere [10.5 years]
Trialer, Int Ch, Fr/Lux/Nd/VDH Ch Beeangee Jumping Jack Flash [12.5 years]
Int Ch & Trialer Alibren Mon Cheri avec Stanroph [9 years]
Ashbury Summer Sun [10 years]
WW'01,EW'99,02, Multi & Int Ch, Ch Fr/Ger/Lux/Swi/VDH Paudell Pure Passion [13.5 years]
Trialer, INT CH, FR CH Ashbury Lovely Lisane [ years]
WW'12. HSCH. HJCh. Dewmist Star Of The Blue Hope
SU(U)CH NORDV-03 NUCH, VWW-08 Erinderry Gaelic Minstrel [13 years]
Eng./Irish SH. CH. Erinderry Diamond Edge Of Glenavis [13 years]
Ir. Sh. Ch. & Int. Ch. Erinderry Firebird [12.5 years]
SE U(U)CH SE V-11 NORD VV-11 Dewmist Starcadia [ years]
Dutch Ch., Ger. Ch., VDH Ch., Ger. Jr. CH. Xanthos Apple Jack Europa Jgs Sgr01, Bundessieger06, Brussels Winner
Can Ch. , Swe Sh. Ch. , N Ch. , KbhW-04 Dewmist Silverinda [13.5 years]
Jun.Ch.Rus,Ch.Rus,2xCh.NCR,Ch.RKF Avelina Grand Gold Family
ChRus, 4xNRC, RKF, 2xJChNRC French Boy de la Cite des Etangs
JEW'07, INT CH, SPA/PT/GBZ/DK CH, HR JCH Ritzilyn Rick O'Shay [12 years]
Eng Sh Ch Ritzilyn Brandon JW [12 years]
Eng.Sh.Ch Perrimay Hugo Of Fenwood [11.5 years]
Eng. SH. CH. Ritzilyn Stage Door Jenny
Eng Sh Ch Pearlbarn Periwinkle for Ritzilyn
Eng. Ch. Ritzilyn Cockney Robin JW, SGWC [8 years]
Stanroph Sandancer for Pearlbarn
Divine Beauty du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
INT CH, FR CH Twenty Seven Charm du Domaine desRives de l'Erdre
Eng. Sh. Ch. Stanroph So It Had To Be KCJW [10.5 years]
Stanroph Salome
Ungareti du Domaine des Rives de l'Erdre
Stanroph Sailor's Swansong
Olympe du Plateau des Abeilles
Ch.Rus Uma Turman
Ch.Rus,RKF Tramin Onix Fire
Greek Sw. Int.Ch RCG-W''04 Woodmore Islone Alone
UK Sh Ch, IR Sh Ch Remington Ramsey [12 years]
Garbank Yeracracka
IntCh, JChMol, ChUa, Mol, Bye, Rom, Rus, Bul Tramin Apple Juice Ukrainian Winner'04 [12 years]
V-EW'04, Mlt & IntCh,GrChUa,ChMol/Bye/Rus/Bul/Pol Robin Hood of Glen Sheallag All-ukrainian Winner'03, 05, Winner of RRC [10 years]
C.I.B. Real World of Glen Sheallag Ukrainian Winner'03 [14 years]
RUS CH Renessans Karambolina [14 years]
Ch.Rus Complement Marcepan
Pol. Ch. Nightdream GO GO GO
Complement Neska
Int.Ch, Ch Rus, Blr, Mol WEST FANTASY Staszel [12 years]
Complement Alfa [14.5 years]

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