
Golden Retriever

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Birch Points Rex  (5/16/1966-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Birch Points Rex
Redrock's Beau Brumell
Reddy All Righty ***
Blaze Of Arrowhead
South View Henry Michael CD
Tawny Boy Michael CDX
Tawny Girl Liz CD
Mack Teena
Brick Of Garfield *** [3.5 years]
Tawney Maid
Tupahi (S715903)
Kettle River Buffer
Am. CH. Kettle River Cossack [11 years]
Lady Byng of Byrl
Penny VI
Brick Of Garfield *** [3.5 years]
Jo-Bee Of Wazaweeta
Penny Of Redrock
Blaze Of Arrowhead
South View Henry Michael CD
Tawny Boy Michael CDX
Tawny Girl Liz CD
Mack Teena
Brick Of Garfield *** [3.5 years]
Tawney Maid
Gray's Peppy
Des Lacs Chasseur D'Or ***
Am./Can. CH. Des Lacs Laddie of Rip's Pride CDX OS
Des Lacs Jezebel
Golden Goldie of Oakdale
Golden Rusty Rocket
Buff Of Oakdale
Spice and Violets
Aladdin (SA139628)
Indians Mickey
Hi-Jinks' Golden Rocket
Hi-Jinks Of Kingswere
Butch's Golden Lady
Sandy (S795586)
Rusty of Golden Acres
Tuck's Sorrowful Cindy
Tonkawood Golden Tammy
Rockhaven Napalm
FC AFC Can Dual CH Rockhaven Raynard of Fo-Go-Ta FDHF
Rockhaven Rhea
Golden Horizons Bonnie Tonka
South View Henry Michael CD
Golden Horizons Dame La Belle
Cindy Lou VIII
Ripmaster Label
Primo (S983937)
Am. CH. Golden Cloud Flash
Buffalake Golden Lady
Teacher's Pet
Golden Prince VI
Dixie (S745935)
Kilby's Kubby Rink
Ruff Rink
Maxson's Golden Rod/Maxon's Golden Rod
Amber Adams
Golden Lady Larrison
King Fritz (S857808)
Tri-Stada Missi Patsy

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