
Golden Retriever

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Omeline van't Silverberghof

Five generation pedigree:

Omeline van't Silverberghof
Kazan of Aress'Garden [FCI A]
Trialer, Int, Int Sh, Bel, Ger, VDH CH Rayleas My Guy [BVA 4-4 A2]
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader [BVA 3:3]
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest [BVA Hip Score 6:5]
Amberland Sky-Hi [ BVA Hip Score 4:4]
Steval Latest Edition [BVA Hip Score 3:3]
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Rossbourne Trooper [ BVA Hip Score 3:2]
Stanroph Silent Tears KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 6:7]
Rayleas Treacle Tart [ BVA 5:4]
ENG CH. Rayleas Dempsey [BVA 3:3]
Rossbourne Just Jamie [BVA 3:3]
Deanwood Cerian of Rayleas [BVA 3:21]
Rayleas Candyfloss [ 4 + 5]
Rayleas Gelert [ 3:3]
Rojillair March Breeze to Rayleas [ 4:5]
Emma of Aress'Garden
Ashbury Stairway To Heaven [ 0/0]
WW'01,EW'99,02, Multi & Int Ch, Ch Fr/Ger/Lux/Swi/VDH Paudell Pure Passion [ BVA HS 6:2,French HD:A ]
Eng CH Paudell Easter Plantagenet at Kerrien [ BVA Hip Score 4:3]
Kerrien Forever Bonnie at Paudell [ BVA Hip Score 9:9]
Ashbury Last Seduction [ A/A]
Kiplings Highland Hero [ A (1993) - France]
Kiplings Geisha Girl [ HD A(199?)]
Aress of the Golden Arc
Woodland Paradise Guiness
Perrimay Flamboyant [ B1,B2]
Garbank Caitrin [ C(19?)]
Garbank Lislone Miss Marple
Eng./Irish SH. Ch. Garbank Lislone Edition [ BVA Hip Score 4:4]
Garbank Maschenko of Drumlamford [ BVA Hip Score 7:1]
Ischa van het Hof Tenberge
Chrisper Captain Corelli Nederlands Veteranen Champ [FCI HD B1]
Eng. CH. Stanroph Squadron Leader [BVA 3:3]
Eng. SH. CH. Steval Mickey Finn At Ivycrest [BVA Hip Score 6:5]
Amberland Sky-Hi [ BVA Hip Score 4:4]
Steval Latest Edition [BVA Hip Score 3:3]
Stanroph Shere Fantasy KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 5:5]
Rossbourne Trooper [ BVA Hip Score 3:2]
Stanroph Silent Tears KCJW [ BVA Hip Score 6:7]
Fr and Int CH Remmy of Grayshot at Chrisper [ 8-5]
ENG CH. Rayleas Dempsey [BVA 3:3]
Rossbourne Just Jamie [BVA 3:3]
Deanwood Cerian of Rayleas [BVA 3:21]
Lorinford Madonna [ 5:4]
Int Ch Lorinford Gilt Edged [ 4:3]
Lorinford Holly Hobble [ BVA Hip Score 7:3]
Floere van het Hof Tenberge
Lindjan Leaderman [ B 1]
Eng. SH. CH. & Swe Sh Ch Lindjan Xylonite [BVA 7:5]
Gatchells Boy From Bangkok [ BVA Hip Score 8:8]
Lindjan Quality Street Res.C.C. [ BVA 7:7]
Rossgilde Kittiwake [ 5:6]
Rossgilde Peregrine J.W [ BVA /KC 6:3]
Glengilde Bucksfizz [ 7:5 ]
Cleopatra van het Hof Tenberge

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