K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Tetra Lakorta Bakkarat Chocolatier

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Tetra Lakorta Bakkarat Chocolatier
CH Real Person Mikelangelo
LT CH RU CH BY CH RKFV Follies Mason
MBISS Am Can CH Lubberline Martingale [12 years]
Am CH Hunt Club Clayview Funny Bear
Am CH Lenches Teddy Bear
Windfall's Stand Up Comic
Am CH Hennings Mill Lubberline Jib
Am CH Scartho Frost [13 years]
Am CH Rocheby Rippling Corn [ years]
Tweedledum Folies Bergerer
INT CH, FI/EE/RUS CH Follies Storm Petrel NORDW-01, FINW-01, FINW-02 [14 years]
FI CH Brookhill's Daddy's Hope
Follies Olympia
Tweedledum Curtain Call
Am CH Dickendall Arnold [12.5 years]
Tweedledum Mascara
JCH RUS, CH RUS, BIR Real Person Be Sure
AUST Ch Mallorn's Aint Mizbehavin
ChFin Mallorn's Shenandigan
Rosanan Whisky Sour
Fin UCH Mallorn's Opium
ChFin Boothgates Miz Showbusiness
Brandhams Show Stopper
Oulsmi Endless Love
Mlt & Gr & Club Ch Grumbling Cinnamon [12 years]
Mallorn's Toblerone
INT CH NO CH SE CH WVW'08 SV'01'07'08 NV'06 Tjotte's Broken Arrow
Mallorn's MMM Marabou
Grumbling Nobless
SU(U)CH NUCH Boothgates It's Show Time [12 years]
Grumbling Grand Old Lady
Rus Ch Chablis Blanchot
Ramzes Jang
Starz Merilend Trade Mark
Ch Stenveyz Tochka Ru
Bubbling Picasso
GrChRus, ChRus, Ch Lit, ChUa, ChBye Stenveyz Dessert Chocolate
Stenveyz Prime Time
FI CH Follies Rule of Thumb
IntCh, GrChRus, ChRus, Lit, Ua, Bye, RKF, NRC Evellan's Halfmillion Kisses for Stenveyz [11.5 years]
Zhaklin (Stenveyz Let It Be x Sherry)
RUS Ch Stenveyz Let It Be
Mallorn's Chocolate Czar [11.5 years]
ChRus, Ch Lit, ChBye Stenveyz Angel's Melody Baltic Winner'99
Real Person Empoli
Real Person Zodiak Fenomenon
Tealway Ali At Bubbling [9.5 years]
DE VDH/LCD CH CS(LCD)'02 Tweedledum Crispy Duck [7.5 years]
Fin Ch. Bubbling Me-Oh-My [12 years]
Real-Person Ariel April Spring
Real Person Easy Love
Rus Ch Goodquite's Let Me Know
Mallorn's Arcturus
Ch Goodquite's Nice
Sen Pier Youstina Stefani

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