K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Cooper of Claymore Roses  (8/29/2003-)

Five generation pedigree:

Cooper of Claymore Roses
Dt.Ch./Int.Ch./VDH-Ch. Warringah's Cobb BHP, JP/R, BLP, JEP [BVA 4:5]
EngCH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway [BVA 1/1]
Charway Uncle Tom [BVA 1/2]
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will [BVA 0/1]
C.C.W. Ballyduff Spruce [ 0]
Charway Simona [ 0]
Wetherlam Black Cherry of Charway [ 0]
Wetherlam Storm of Lawnwood [BVA 0:0]
Wetherlam Siskin [BVA 1:1]
Sh Ch Cambremer All That Jazz [ 3/3]
GB Ch Kupros Master Mariner [BVA 1/0]
Gb Sh Am Can CH Lindall Mastercraft JH [ 0]
Kupros Bridget [BVA 0:0]
C.C.W. Cambremer Montclair
GB Ch Fabracken Comedy Star [ 6/13]
Sh Ch Cambremer St. Clair
GB.Ch Warringah's Whortleberry [BVA 5/5]
GB.Ch. Warringah's Harlech [BVA 8/10]
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will [BVA 0/1]
C.C.W. Ballyduff Spruce [ 0]
Charway Simona [ 0]
GB.Ch. Warringah's Hot Property [ 4/4]
Secret Song of Lawnwood [ 0]
Lawnwood's Hot Pants of Warringah CCW
GB.Ch. Warringah's Flinders [BVA 4/4]
Wetherlam Storm of Lawnwood [BVA 0:0]
GB CH Lawnwoods Midnight Folly
Kupros Spring Folly of Wetherlam [BVA 4/5]
GB.Ch. Warringah's Fair Dinkum [BVA 16/4]
GB.Ch. Warringah's Fair and Square [BVA 0/5]
Warringah's Hot Taffy
Candy vom Kirbach [FCI A2]
Int./DRC-/VDH-Ch Scandica Vagabound [FCI B2]
SE U(U)CH Cambremer Wellington [FCI UA]
Hawkmoors Webster [BVA 2-2]
Am CH Dickendall Arnold [OFA LR-38719G25M]
Hawksmoors Ravens Flight
Cambremer Jazzmine [BVA 0-2]
Charway Uncle Tom [BVA 1/2]
Sh Ch Cambremer All That Jazz [ 3/3]
Scandica Oh Sofin Dt.-Ch., VDH-Ch.,
Nl./VDH-/LCD-/Lux./Euro-/Engl.Show-CH Kimvalley Legend [FCI 2:4]
GB Sh. Ch. Lasgarn Laudrup [BVA 1/5]
Kimvalley Pearly Queen
Amy vom Kirbach [ A2/A2]
VDH-Ch. Tjotte's Wind of Change [FCI A2]
Tjotte's Royal Straight Flush
Beechcroft's Royal Standard [ 0 (A)]
Nor. Ch. Tjotte's Heaven Can Wait [ A]
O'Sofinas Touch of Hot Tjott [ ua]
SU(U)CH NUCH Boothgates It's Show Time
O'Sofinas Magic-Touch
Umbra of Brownbank Cottage [ A/A]
IntCh.Belg.Fr.Ger.Lux.Ned.Rus.Ch. Quatro of Lucifers Delight [ A1]
Fin CH Narjana's Lamborghini [FCI B/B]
Int. Ch. Blondella Buttons'n Bows [ 2]
Sydney of Brownbank Cottage [ B]
Belg.Ft.Ch. Trapper van Rumah Aäron [ A]
Queenmary (LOSH 0697734) [ A]

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