
Golden Retriever

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Can.Ch. Cuordha's Ride the Wind  (3/6/1998-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Can.Ch. Cuordha's Ride the Wind
Can. CH. Okeechobee's Island Micmaque WC [12.5 years]
AmCH Okeechobee's Made To Order [12 years]
Am. CH. Okeechobee's Taylor Made OS
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Little Dawn Of Chickasaw OD
Misty Morn's Mischief Maker
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Beckwith's Beta Of Spindrift CD OD
Asterling's Manhatten
Am. CH. Goldrush's Judgement Day OS [14 years]
Ch Sun Dance's Happy Hogan
Goldrush's Desert Song
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF [12 years]
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF [9.5 years]
Sunhaven's Amberac's Aruba OD
Okeechobee's Ernest Alice [11.5 years]
Am CH Okeechobe Everything Ernest [12.5 years]
Am. CH. Okeechobee's Taylor Made OS
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Misty Morn's Mischief Maker
Jolly Jack's Brat Sensation
Am/Can Ch Jolly Jack Daniels OS
Braevue's Jessica
Plantanoro's Hats Off To Jake
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [10.5 years]
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Little Dawn Of Chickasaw OD
Am. CH Goldenquest's Thistledue OD
Am. CH. Misty Morn's Sunset CD TD WC OS SDHF [11 years]
Can CH Deegoljay's Amorous Aspasia CD OD [12 years]
CanCH Cuordha's Lola Wants Lola Gets
Can CH Cuordha's Call Of The Piper CDX BIS SDHF [11.5 years]
Can Ch. Tenpenny's Drummer Boy WCI OS SDHF
Am./Can. CH. Thornelea's Artfull Dodger [12.5 years]
Am/Bda CH Copper Lee Gold Rush Apollo OS SDHF
Am. CH Thornelea's Guinevere CD WC VC [15 years]
Can CH Gold-Rush Amber Delight Can CD/Can OD
Am. CH. Westben's Dancing Bear CDX OS [8 years]
Gold-Rush Honey Bear II
CanCH Cuordha's Here I Come OD [9 years]
Am. CH Tangleburr's B Sharp II
Am. CH. Autumn Lodge's Mister Zap CD ** OS [11.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Lady Sonata OD [13.5 years]
CanCH Thornelea's Scotia Kyna
Am./Can. CH. Thornelea's Artfull Dodger [12.5 years]
Thornelea's Call Me Mitzi [7.5 years]
CanCH Cuordha's Ima Country Girl CanCD
Am. CH Tangleloft Odds On Pebwin CD WC VC OS Can WC [11.5 years]
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [11.5 years]
BISS Am Can CH Gold-Rush's Great Teddy Bear OS SDHF [6.5 years]
Am. CH Goldwing Rhythm-N-Blue OD
Am. CH Libra Lady Carioca CD OD [13 years]
BISS Am./Can. CH Colacove Commando Di Sham
Sutter Creek Serendipity CDX
CanCH Cuordha's Eliza Doolittle CanCD
Am. CH Can BIS Ch Thornelea's Unintentionally CD OS CGC [9.5 years]
Am/Can CH. Freedom's Celebration OS [14 years]
Thornelea's Lara [ years]
CanCH Cuordha's Here I Come OD [9 years]
Am. CH Tangleburr's B Sharp II
CanCH Thornelea's Scotia Kyna

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