
Golden Retriever

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Parker's Golden Retriever  (9/25/2014-)

Five generation pedigree:

Parker's Golden Retriever
Ridgeview Sandy's Victor
Foxwood King Kodi
Tyler's Trouble III
Oliver's Golden Sunset [OFA GR-70026G40M-T]
Claude Hopper II
Savannah Sun
Perdy Girl II [OFA GR-74527F37F-PI]
The Sign Of Asher
The Joy Of Asher
Cinderella's Goldielocks
Sir Golden Boy Mickey
Buckeye Baby Brutus
Miramama's Allena
Miss Molly Skylars Golden Girl
Trapper's Tucker Jr
Ginger's Golden Butterscotch
Yoder's Sandy
Mary Bee's Host Donnell [OFA GR-93015F25M-PI]
Abilene Starr's Sir Maxwell [OFA GR-82986G24M-NOPI]
Tendercare Laurell's Trigger [OFA GR-75039G29M-PI]
Lady Abilene Starr [OFA GR-67229G42F]
Christmas Holly's Hannah Noel [OFA GR-59019G35F]
Windruff Sr Jakely Of Fox TR
Lady Sandras Christmas Holly
Mary Bee's Princess Lynn [OFA GR-98601G28F-NOPI]
Sir Frankfort Of Country Woofers [OFA GR-94578G29M-NOPI]
Snickers Doodles Hansen
Lady Buffington Rose II
Ridgeviews Precious
Ridgeview's Sir William
Natalie VI
Destiny Jackie Rae
Mr Teddy's Chester
Mr Teddy Tumbles
Kindlebrooks Kody Bear
Bad Boy Bear Kreitz
Ms Sasha
Mandy Me
Horn's Snow Cruiser
Princess Mollie Sue
Pamers' Joy Of Bailee
Donlyn's Maxmillennium Spirit [OFA GR-79693F24M-PI]
Donlyn's Mickey Blaze [OFA GR-54035F46M-T]
Donlyn's Abbygal Spirit [OFA GR-54036G25F-T]
Donlyn's Baileys Valentine
Lerette's Colonel Cody
Lerette's Bailey Irish Cream
Destiny Jada Star
Sir Golden Boy Mickey
Buckeye Baby Brutus
Sir Jake Of The Hill
Blackcreeks Lady Katie
Miramama's Allena
Brandi Edward Doley
Miramama's Abigail
Miss Molly Skylars Golden Girl
Trapper's Tucker Jr
Trapper John Jr
Katie's Sweet Tana
Ginger's Golden Butterscotch
Cimarron's Golden Hot Shot [OFA GR-78902G30M-PI]
Butterscotch Betty

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