
Golden Retriever

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Lynika Queen Of Hearts

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Lynika Queen Of Hearts
Aust CH Santamaria Braveheart [10.5 years]
Aust Gr CH Goldtreve Wild N Wicked
Goldtreve Gamekeeper
Aust. CH. Alubyc SS Enterprise [6.5 years]
Aust. CH Noravon Otto Goldtreve
AUST CH Alubyc Autumn Arwen
Goldtreve Special Issue
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher [9.5 years]
Australian Champion Goldtreve Tosca
Alubyc Maidforgold Treve
Aust. Ch. Fantango Razzamatazz
AUST CH Goldtreve Bracken [10.5 years]
BISS Aust. Ch Alubyc Jewel Of The Nile
Aust. CH Dullassam Designer Label
Aust. CH. Alubyc SS Enterprise [6.5 years]
Dullingham Lass
Aust CH Santamaria Top Billing [14 years]
Goldtreve Gamekeeper
Aust. CH. Alubyc SS Enterprise [6.5 years]
Aust. CH Noravon Otto Goldtreve
AUST CH Alubyc Autumn Arwen
Goldtreve Special Issue
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher [9.5 years]
Australian Champion Goldtreve Tosca
Australian CH Santamaria Liason
Aust CH Goldtreve Cameron (AI)
Eng. CH. Camrose Cabus Christopher [9.5 years]
Australian Ch Gaewynd Tapestry
Santamaria Glaze
Aust Ch Nortonwood Rossetti
Santamaria Edellia
Adwhip Highland Queen

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