K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Renloz Lil'Man MH  (4/8/2007-)

Five generation pedigree:

Renloz Lil'Man MH
FC CFC Piper's Top Gunner [OFA LR-99303G33M-T]
Gunstocks Butch of Winifox [OFA Good]
FC AFC Lone Star JR II [OFA LR-21145]
FC Shotgun Smokey [OFA LR-14330-T]
NAFC FC AFC Dude's Double Or Nothin
Hiwood Pelican Pip *** [ LR-12897]
Varner Creek Mae [OFA LR-8928]
Trieven Fool Am.Ft.W.
Tealwood Cootie Button O'Cork
Winifox Mindemoya *** [OFA LR-26311G31F]
AFC Westwinds Pedro [OFA LR-11901]
NFC FC AFC San Joaquin Honcho [OFA LR-8594]
Big Oaks Super Kate [OFA LR-4993]
Big Rivers Lil' Monster [OFA LR-10397]
FC AFC CFC CAFC Hiwood Piper
Big River Mancy [OFA LR-1694]
Gunstock Blonde Bombshell
'93 CNFC CAFC Call Me Mister Independence [OFA LR-40209E24M-T]
'89CNAFC CFC FC AFC Aces High III [OFA LR-26588G24M]
FC AFC Snake Eyes-Double Or Nothin' [OFA LR-6692]
FC AFC Westwinds Super Bunny Babe [OFA LR-19729]
'87NFC AFC CFC CAFC Yankee Independence [OFA LR-19310]
FC AFC Itchin' To Go [OFA LR-7825]
Cup A Soup [OFA LR-4990-T]
NAHRA-MHR/WR Moon River's Cash Kate's Choice [OFA LR-31808F25F]
FC AFC Stone's Throw Marion's Choice [OFA LR-17399]
FC AFC Machipongo's W.A. Nappy [OFA LR-8168]
FC AFC Ruby Duby Ducksoup
AFC Black Golds Candlewood Kate [OFA LR-13155]
2 x NAFC FC River Oak's Rascal [OFA LR-855]
FC AFC Candlewood's Nellie B Good [OFA LR-5017]
Northwinds Daisy MH [OFA LR-125579E24F-PI]
The Road Captain MH
Candlewoods J D's Chase MH [OFA LR-23720G24M]
FC AFC Jigger of Glenfiddich [OFA LR-10398]
FC AFC CFC Trieven Thunderhead [OFA LR-3878]
Sean's Candlewood Cassie [OFA LR-7682]
Candlewoods Second Hand Rose [OFA LR-18089]
FC AFC Wa-Luke Moon Shine [OFA LR-12023]
FC AFC Candlewood's Nellie B Good [OFA LR-5017]
Raspberry Prairie's Gretta SH [OFA LR-35977E25F]
FC AFC Candlewoods M D Houston [OFA LR-23538G24M]
FC AFC Lakeridge's Charlemagne [OFA LR-13155]
AFC Black Golds Candlewood Kate [OFA LR-13155]
Burr-Oaks Yellow Rose Of B W [OFA LR-21591]
'80CNFC FC AFC Hiwood Piper Pacer's Pic [OFA LR-14200 ]
Blackwatch Barbed Wire [OFA Normal]
Northwinds Red Ruby
Marathon Man's Majik MH [ LR-53297E36M]
'89CNFC '90CNAFC FC AFC The Marathon Man [OFA LR-18193]
AFC Westwinds Pedro [OFA LR-11901]
CAFC FC AFC Minnie Mouse [OFA LR-13252 ]
Merc's Pepper JH [OFA LR-36746G27F]
French River Raven [OFA LR-19047 (Normal)]
Magolin Martha McGruff [OFA LR-26477G28F]
Northwinds Squatters Rights MH [OFA LR-66272G24F]
WR Lindys Black Magnum Toby MH [OFA LR-46649G48M]
Stomper Of SunnyBurke
Mindy Schneider [OFA LR-24177G25F]
Queen Sheba Of Koko Mo Acres
Candlewoods Quik Cooper
Tasha of Koko Mo Acres

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