
Golden Retriever

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My Golden Tundra  (11/11/2009-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

My Golden Tundra
Sheeena's Pure Sam
Sheena's Synbad Man
Pure Cinnamon Spice
Stoney Point Goldilocks
Raber's Gingo
Lariet (SR00085909)
Tuel Z's Golden Buddy
Ja-Anna's Rudy Duke
By-Ler Brandie
Juel-Z's Golden Misty
Jodie V
Tuscarora's Larson
R Z Golden Sniffer
R-Z Bloss Dull
Miller's Goldie III
Rabers Goldie
Tiller's Golden Bow
Double B's Tiller [9 years]
Double B's Plow [5.5 years]
Ml's Annie Oakley Of Colorado
Ty My Bow
Dreamstreet Barkley
Dreamstreet Tallyho
Shasta's Golden Lulu
Sir Golden Nugget
Sir Jason Trevor
Bennett's Golden Tippy
Audrey's Golden Shasta

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