
Golden Retriever

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Mmfr Big Bertha Boogie Gold  (3/14/2018-)

Five generation pedigree:

Mmfr Big Bertha Boogie Gold
Mp Jesse [OFA GR-122425G26M-VPI]
Mason Creek's Jethro
Ajan's Adolf [OFA GR-109930G45M-VPI]
Am. Ch. Ajan's Chance of Thunder [OFA GR-88216G26M-PI]
Am. CH Goodtime's Ajan Yelobrick RD CD [OFA GR-68994F24M]
Goodtime's Ajan's Home Free [OFA GR-72196F24F-NOPI]
Ajan's Easy On The Eyes [OFA GR-94286F26F-PI]
BIS BISS Am. CH. Tempo's Easy Rider OS SDHF [OFA GR-82274G24M-PI]
Am CH Ajan's Love At First Sight [OFA GR-79373F24F-PI]
Spike's Sandy
HJCH Sunnyfield's A Star Is Born [ B2]
ICH, HCH, HShCH, HGrCH, VetCH H Erdoskerti Szultan Club winner, Veteran EW, Best vet., Ch of Champ.
HSHCH Galans Kala Brandy [ A1]
Princess Katie
TB MR. Oliver's Chauncy [OFA GR-77177F24M-PI]
Shadow '&' Princess' Tanner [OFA GR-83140G24F-PI]
Molly Whitewater
Foxhill Spice
Cookie Alexander
Obadiah Dexter Dakota
Star-Light (SR05698510)
Cocoa Biscuit
Turkey Hill Pete
Casey O'Ryan Good
Muddy Paws (SR71459601)
Taylor's Buddy Bear
Lavertue's Kodiak Bear
Magnolia Beauty
Graber's Sophie
Foxhill Spice
Abc Schoolmisstress' Dream
Heartsong's Chloe
Rabers Taylor Rjr [OFA GR-112544F26M-VPI]
Cesears Golden Hills
Najor Buddy Rhoads
Taylor's Boy Tanner
Dalor's Dandelion Wine
Pleasant Valley Chloe
Cherokee Trail's Chief Deuce
Cherokee Trails Dancing Dazey
Fuijia Mizer
Rush Riveredge
Polar Mist Sir Toby [OFA GR-89853G24M-PI]
Lizie Carper Cooper
Reba Riveredge
Tank Riveredge
Miss Sadie Rose II
Windsong's Missy [OFA GR-111340G28F-NOPI]
Windsong's Ringo Star [OFA GR-98940G24M-VPI]
Hilltop's Gem-Czar Of Hope [OFA GR-80015G24M-PI]
Gracious Great Balls Of Fire [OFA GR-69544G24M-T ]
Hilltop's Golden Autumn Lady [OFA GR-69490G24F-T]
Nakita Of Windsong
Sir Wesley Of Shiloh [OFA GR-65992G29M]
Sasha's Golden Shadow III
Lisa's Biscuit
Randy Russ
Raber Acres Starla
Rushing Wind Hartley Manor
Isabella's Caramel

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