
Golden Retriever

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GCH CH Jetoca's Ooh La La  (6/13/2017-)

Five generation pedigree:

GCH CH Jetoca's Ooh La La
GCH Wingate's We're Gonna Need A Bigger Boat BISS [OFA GR-114166G24M-VPI]
Am CH. Faera's Future Classic OS [OFA GR-37666G24M]
Am CH Asterling's Buster Keaton OS [OFA GR-23478F24M]
Am CH Birnam Wood's Mountin' Ash OS [OFA GR-16012E26M]
Am./Can. CH. Kachina Twenty Karat OS SDHF [OFA GR-11372F ]
Am Ch Goldenloe's Cinnamon Sizzler OD [OFA GR-9984]
BIS BISS Am Can CH Amberac's Asterling Aruba OD SDHF [OFA GR-11860G 24F]
BIS Am. CH Gold Coast Here Comes The Sun CD OS SDHF [OFA GR-7494]
Sunhaven's Amberac's Aruba OD
Am CH Faera's Puppy Kidd OD [OFA GR-24575F24F]
Am CH Goldwing True Bear OS SDHF [OFA GR-10116 good]
BISS Am Can CH Gold-Rush's Great Teddy Bear OS SDHF [OFA GR-3779]
Am. CH Goldwing Rhythm-N-Blue OD
Am CH Faera's Digger The Dawg OD [OFA GR-11239]
Am CH Wochica's Okeechobee Jake OS SDHF [OFA GR-851]
Am CH Faera's Rusticana Megapup CD OD [OFA GR-6421]
GCH Wingate's Turnin' Trix BISS OD [OFA GR-105919G24F-VPI]
Am CH Summits Annecy The Rock [OFA GR-100583F24M-VPI]
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF [OFA GR-69996F24M-T]
Am Can CH Golden Pine Dustrax Maverick CDX TDX RE OS CGC Can CD [OFA GR-54869G24M-T]
BIS BISS Am CH Summits Shadow Dancer OD SDHF [OFA GR-42006F31F]
BIS Int Ar Br CH Golden Trip's Victoria Thanks A Million [OFA GR-90569E45F-PI]
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
BISS Can Int Arg Br Pan CH Golden Trip's First Victoria
Wingate Sundown Halle Razberry [OFA GR-95349F28F-VPI]
Am. Ch. Justmoor Terans Famous Amos OS [OFA GR-84371G24M-PI]
Am/Can CH Chuckanut Party Favour O Novel SDHF OS [OFA GR-70757G24M-PI]
Can Ch Chuckanut Thru The Looking Brass [OFA GR-59821G25F-T]
CH. Wingate's Orient Express [OFA GR-85235E51F-PI]
Royal Goodtimes at Wingate [OFA GR-63156G36M-T]
CH Wingate's Kiss Me Quick OD [OFA GR-58358G25F]
Angelwood Molly's Scarlett Sky [OFA GR-117040G27F-VPI]
Am. CH Claircrest Go Your Own Way [OFA GR-109033G26M-VPI]
CH Claircrest Pot Of Gold [OFA GR-102610G24M-VPI]
BISS AM CH Sunbeam's Private Party OS [OFA GR-78621G40M-PI]
BISS Ch. Sunbeams Command Performance SDHF OS [OFA GR-70036G25M-T]
Can. Ch. Goldenbear Gowing Wild At Sunbeam [OFA GR-68194G35F-T]
Claircrest Electorial Vote [OFA GR-86225G28F-PI]
Am Ch Claircrest Nobody's Business OS [OFA GR-51636G25M]
Daybreak Stars N Stripes [OFA GR-71404G27F-PI ]
AmCH Claircrest Against The Wind [OFA GR-88999G29F-PI]
CH Rumour's Just Kat'n Around CD SDHF OS [OFA GR-79868G25M-PI]
BISS Am. CH. Seeshaw Dylans Evening Blaze SH WCX Am OS Can OS [OFA GR-62730F24M-T]
Am CH Lyoness I'm No Angle CD OD [OFA GR-65068G31F]
Claircrest Way To Go OD [OFA GR-68275E38F-T]
Am Ch Claircrest Nobody's Business OS [OFA GR-51636G25M]
Claircrest Unlimited [OFA GR-48146F26F]
Angelwood Scarlet Sunset In The Evening Sky [OFA GR-109834F24F-VPI]
Midas Touch Sooper Dooper Cooper [OFA GR-104052G31M-VPI]
Krisos Gold Canyon Casey [OFA GR-73663G2-4M-PI]
CH Forever Wild Irish Rogue OS [OFA GR-56214G24M]
Krisos Forever A Bozo [OFA GR-63981G38F-T]
Worden's Gold Dust Woman of Midas Touch [OFA GR-96067G24F-VPI]
Am CH Forever's Goldberry Rhapsody'N'Blue CDX [OFA GR-67334F24M-T]
Int'l/Nat'l CH Ducat's Driving Force [OFA GR-83477G30F-PI]
Breezewood Sunny Sky Over Savannah [OFA GR-103924G24F-VPI]
Driftwood Winner Takes All [OFA GR-85099F24M-PI]
Ch. Tempo's All Shook Up [OFA GR-59986G25M-T]
Noblewood Winn Dixie [OFA GR-76683F26F-PI]
Rosewood Savannahs Golden Memory [OFA GR-97893G24F-VPI]
Schoolhouse Just In Time CD [OFA GR-81471G24M-PI]
Rosewood Forget Me Not [OFA GR-86278G24F-PI]

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