Labrador Retriever
NUCH SE U(u)CH Narjana's Odah Ottaviah (11/21/2014-)
Five generation pedigree:
NUCH SE U(u)CH Narjana's Odah Ottaviah
Nelson for Loch Mor of Finnwoods
WW'11-15, EW.13, INT CH, IT CH Loch Mor Romeo
ITCH, CIB, CIE, FCH, HRCH, SwissCH, 2xRCICH Charm Bluveil Mr. Darcy WC,FFTCH
AmCH Langshott Gale Force From Kimvalley
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Kimvalley Follow On To Langshott
AmCH Charm's Dancing To The Music
Bluveil Balanchine
AmCH Hitmans Charm N Ginger Bear
WW-06, ENG SH CH, IT CH Loch Mor Sugar
INT CH, FI/EE/RUS CH Follies Storm Petrel NORDW-01, FINW-01, FINW-02
FI CH Brookhill's Daddy's Hope
Follies Olympia
IT CH Heatherbourne Pure Satin at Loch Mor
Ch Perfick Gent Of Priorise
Heatherbourne Royal Velvet
Int./Schwz./VDH-/LCD-CH. Jolie Armi of Finnwoods
CH.IB CH.Bul. Follies Tintoretto WC
Loch Mor Spencer
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
GBShCh ITCh V-02 Amber (LO98/139149)
FI MVA Rosanan Ice Follies
INT CH, FI/EE/RUS CH Follies Storm Petrel NORDW-01, FINW-01, FINW-02
Rosanan Be My Rose
Fin Ch Rosanan Anemone
SF CH INT CH JWW/99 Strongline's Cooling Around
NO V-11 SE V-98 EE CH FI MVA Tawastway's Fooling Around WW-98
FI UCH Strongline's Just Illusion
FIN MVA MV-98 Rosanan Taffeta Rose
FIN CH Rosanan Emperor
FI UCH Rosanan Garden Rose
NORDJV-10 Narjana's Aylah's Million
GB SH CH, IR SH CH, INT SH CH Carpenny Made A Million EW'09, Veteran CH, CW '17
LU,NL,PL,GE,INT,GB CH Carpenny Made The Trip
Lembas To The Moon And Back JW
Eng SH CH Sandylands Gad-About
Lembas Mysterious Girl
UK ShCh Carpenny Rustina
Kamrats Rustibus
GB SH CH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny
GB SH CH, SE UCH, NO CH Mambrinos Spellbound at Carpenny
CIB GB SH CH NORD CH Carpenny Walpole
Hawkmoors Webster
GB SH CH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny
NUCH SE U(u)CH VWW-08 Mambrinos Lemony
SE VCH NO V-99 SE U(U)CH NO UCH Mambrinos 4 Wheel Drive
N Ch. Mambrinos Gertie
Carpenny Excetera
NOR CH Mementos Excelsior
NO UCH Surprising's Mathias
Puhs Indra
NO UCH Surprising's Kornelia
Mementos Baccara
SECH Puhs Black Label
Norw CH Mementos Matilda
Burning Bright at Carpenny
Tiger Tiger of Carpenny
GB Ch Carpenny Bonhomie
Can Ch Tabatha's Mirth
Eastmascalls Reine de Carpenny
Eng CH Rocheby Royal Oak
Carpenny Casaque of Eastmascalls
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