
Golden Retriever

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Desert Moon Bulldozer  (9/21/2015-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Desert Moon Bulldozer
Rondy's Axle
UKC CH, Nat'l/Int'l CH Dumbledore II (SR77179901) CGC
ChJ Serbia, Ch Serbia Solea Land Dastin
Ch Serbia Fiveshill Silent Observer
Dutch Ch., Multi. Ch. Fiveshill How Dare You [14 years]
Fiveshill Irish Cheerleader
Solea Land Mabella
Int. Ch Ritzilyn Chancellor
Int.Ch. & Yu.Ch. Karvin Welldone
Naomi (JR 83266)
Loverboy (JR 76420 Zr)
Kazanova (JR 82060)
Bijanka (JR 72445)
Alisa (JR 81063)
Abant (JR 70418 Zr)
Bella (Jr 80322 Zr)
UKC CH, JrNat'l/Int'l CH, Nat'l CH Clumbret Near To Heart CA, THD,CGC, TKN
InterCh EuJW'08 Dewmist Dandy Knight [4 years]
NORD V-07 SEU(U)CH NO UCH Inassicas Broom [13.5 years]
SE U(U)CH NO UCH Cheer's Way Of The World
Inassicas Thimble Rose
Dewmist Days Of Diamonds
SE U(U)CH Telkaro Diamond Dust
Dewmist Diamantina
SrbCh. SrbJCh. Ajsa Masa
ICH, Multi CH, Nat.Work.Ch Erinderry King Of The Blues Working Test - 2xCACT
Goldmarker Blue Rhine JW Sh CM 4 RCC's
Erinderry Gaelic Breeze
Joy of Golden Duck
Baron (Jr 70993 Zr) 2CHJYU CH-BIH CHYU B CHYU T
Fibi of Lara
Rondy's Sasha
Rondy's Duke
Jakes Golden Acres
Fancons Golden Buddie
TRWS Gunner Magoo
Wolfe's Tessuntee Tutshi
Fancons Golden Princess
Sheahan Pride O'Sullivan
Saidie-Nous' Image
Abby's Golden Acres
Skeeter Barnes Bell
Trailsend (SN26539106)
Sunrise Sally
Sadie Alexandria
Eugster's Apollo
Eugster's Athena
Miss April Vanilla Schlinz
Brasser's Duke Of Kent
Woodland Macgreagor Boy
Am. CH Meadowpond Mack Truck [13.5 years]
Ali's Super Sunday
Miss Bailey Joy
Darby O'Riley Jacobson
Siena Lady of the Lake
Brasser Stables Happy Girl
Cherry Creeks Forever Young
Honeybear's Good News Bear
Lillian Rose McGeorge
Miss Pudgy Duchess Shannon
Lady's Sweet Golden Butter
Harley Crazy Smiles

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