
Golden Retriever

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Golden Clamaran Rachel Grey Cyclops  (7/15/2018-)

Five generation pedigree:

Golden Clamaran Rachel Grey Cyclops
Gale Glory Golden Victorious
BIS.Ina.Ch Enter Sandman Gold Legend
MBIS ChBr. GrChBr. ChBol. GrChBol. ChLat. ChPan. Golden Trip Beach Boy
BIS BISS Br GCH CH Int Nac Venc CH Freedom of Golden Spirit
Br GCH CH Ar Pan CH Golden Trip Life's a Beach
WW'04 Multi Mini BIS Golden Trip's Victory Never Ends
Br CH. Rockefeller Divina
Arg CH Dillan Bum Bum Rockefeller
Arg Ch Kandiland Bambam Rockefeller
MBIS Ina Ch. JW Am&Caribean. Falling Leaves Goldsherlock
WW'07, BIS BISS Arg./Arg.Gr./Mex. CH. Silver Sound's King of the Ring
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF
Arg Gr CH/Lat Gr CH. Silver Sound's Sunbeam's Crystal Rainbow
Arg Ch Golden Trip Boston Cream Pie
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
Gr.Ch.Int.Br Nautilus Golden Trip
MBIS MBISS Bra GCH Ina GCH Golden Sunset's Gorky
MBIS MBISS.Am/Can/Br CH. Eirene's This One's For You SDHF OS
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF
Am & BIS Can CH. Eirene's Soul And Inspiration Am Can OD SDHF
MBIS BISS.BrCh &GCh/ Pan Ch. Lua Chasse
MBIS.Can/Br/BrGr/Pan/Ina/Int CH. Jackson's Show Me The Money SDHF
Br CH&GCH. Betsy Chasse
Golden Masterpiece Be Sexy
Am.Ina.CH Laurell's Who's Your Daddy
CH Westin CR Days Of Thunder
Laurell's Portrait Of A Lady
Kyra a love n kisses
National BIS.INA.CH. Merrygold Courage Under Fire
Kyra Drop Dead Gorgeous
INA CH Golden Clamaran Pamela
MBIS Int'L CH Ina GCH Mal GCH Phil CH Eternal Sunshine Gold legend
MBIS ChBr. GrChBr. ChBol. GrChBol. ChLat. ChPan. Golden Trip Beach Boy
BIS BISS Br GCH CH Int Nac Venc CH Freedom of Golden Spirit
Br CH. Rockefeller Divina
MBIS Ina Ch. JW Am&Caribean. Falling Leaves Goldsherlock
WW'07, BIS BISS Arg./Arg.Gr./Mex. CH. Silver Sound's King of the Ring
Arg Ch Golden Trip Boston Cream Pie
MBIS MBISS Bra GCH Ina GCH Golden Sunset's Gorky
MBIS MBISS.Am/Can/Br CH. Eirene's This One's For You SDHF OS
MBIS BISS.BrCh &GCh/ Pan Ch. Lua Chasse
Golden Masterpiece Be Sexy
Am.Ina.CH Laurell's Who's Your Daddy
Kyra a love n kisses
Ina Ch Evening Star Gold Legend
MBIS ChBr. GrChBr. ChBol. GrChBol. ChLat. ChPan. Golden Trip Beach Boy
BIS BISS Br GCH CH Int Nac Venc CH Freedom of Golden Spirit
Br CH. Rockefeller Divina
MBIS Ina Ch. JW Am&Caribean. Falling Leaves Goldsherlock
WW'07, BIS BISS Arg./Arg.Gr./Mex. CH. Silver Sound's King of the Ring
Arg Ch Golden Trip Boston Cream Pie
BIS BISS Am CH Summits MR. Bojangles OS SDHF
Am Can CH Golden Pine Dustrax Maverick CDX TDX RE OS CGC Can CD
BIS BISS Am CH Summits Shadow Dancer OD SDHF
Multi BIS Th. Ch. Multi BIE Ina.Ch. Goodtime's Moon Over Miami
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF
Am Ch Goodtime's Maine Squeeze OD

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