
Golden Retriever

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Golden Alaska's Sweet Honey  (12/22/2015-)

Five generation pedigree:

Golden Alaska's Sweet Honey
Wards Cattail Mathis Tex
Harveys Dutch Narroway
Wards Cattail Luke
Full Moon's Arctic Timber
Hilltop's Fan-C That Clan-C
Kayla Girl III
Wards Cattail Gypsey
Ward's Cattail Cody
Merideth's Sheba
Wards Cattail Tiger Lilly
Bardo's Big Max
Maher's King Midas
Nana XI
Bardo's Lady Sady May
Hilltop's Frosty Beau
TNT Goldrush Is Boom-In
Wards Cattail Red Rosie
Golden Acres Alexander The Great
Golden Acres Mom's Brandi Girl
Wards Cattail Miss Molley
Wards Cattail Ely
Wards Cattail Luke
Full Moon's Arctic Timber
Hilltop's Fan-C That Clan-C
Kayla Girl III
Wards Cattail Gypsey
Ward's Cattail Cody
Merideth's Sheba
Wards Cattail Lucy
Wards Cattail Duke
Descimus Meridius Dunn
Wards Cattail Gypsey
Cherveny's Sassy Sadie
Oskey's Scooby Dooby Duke
Oskey's Lady Jewliet
Wards Cattail Graycee
Captian Morgan Rupps
Cherveny's Sassy Shiloh
Ward's Frosty
Ward's Cattail Cody
Ward's Cattail Candy
Norton's Bit Of A Smidgeon
Baylor Major League Player
Iv's Coral Mountain Miss

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