
Golden Retriever

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Audrey Hepburn of Noble Golden  (12/31/2017-)

Five generation pedigree:

Audrey Hepburn of Noble Golden
Jv.Ch Ch Gr.Ch. PanCh. Ch Uruguaio Dreamer Toro of Noble Golden
Sartre of Noble Golden
MULTI BIS, BISS Golden Legends DeBaena Amorgos GJ
Ch Bra, Gr CH Br, Ag -Golden Age Antonio Gaudi
Ch. Gua, GCG, Sal, Int'l April's Stone Of Landlord
Nambija's Milky Way
Jr. Ch., Ch.Bra Gr Ch Bra Jade Golden Age Of Golden Friend Forever
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF
Multi Biss,Am/Mex/Chi/Arg Ch, Gr.Ch.Pan, Ch.Pan Evita de Arerungua
MBIS MBISS.Am/Can/Br CH. Eirene's This One's For You SDHF OS
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF
Am & BIS Can CH. Eirene's Soul And Inspiration Am Can OD SDHF
BPIS Sun's Bay Thrill of Glory
BIS BrJrCH. BrCH. Goodtime's Dark Side of the Moon
BrJrCh. BrCh. BrGrCh. Goodtime's A Little Rock n Roll
BrCh Golden Sunset's Larroque Justin
BrCh BrGrCh UruCh UruGrCh PanamCh PanamGrCh Golden Sunset's Sugar Apolo
BISJrBrCh BrCh GrBrCh MexCh AmCh Goodtime's O'Brown Sugar
BrCh BrGrCh Golden Sunset's Daphne
Chasse C Rayka
Tailor Made Chasse GoldRush
Br.J. Ch.-Br.Ch Chasse B Madonna
Magu's Golden Azaleia
BrCh. GrBrCh. PanCh. GrPanCh. Chasse Golden Sunset's Niko
BIS BISS Am Arg CH Gorca's Merlin OS SDHF
BrCh, BrJrCh Tailor Made Golden Rhapsody
Jov. Ch. Br BPIS Golden sunset Paloma
BIS BISS Br GCH CH Int Nac Venc CH Freedom of Golden Spirit
Claire of Noble Golden
Jv Ch. Ch GrCh Br. Ch GrCh Pan. Ch Can. Ch Mex. Golden Machine Judas Priest
BIS/BISS Br GrChInt Pan Ch Golden Trip's Limited Edition
Pan GCH CH Int Br Ur CH Woodspoint Bo Zack
BISS Am Can CH Gemstar's Indigo Blue GRCC/GRCA OS
Am CH Woodspoint Lillehammer
Br GCH CH Int Pan CH Nautilus Pikaboo Street
Am CH Nautilus Little Red Corvette OS
BIS BISS Am Can Bda CH Nautilus Boston Cream Pie SDHF OD
Br.Ch, Gr.Ch, Pan. Ch., Ch Int Chasse Blue Moon
Braz Ch Tailor Made Chasse Golden Age
Pan GCH CH Int Br Ur CH Woodspoint Bo Zack
Can.Ch. Eirene's Gone With The Wind OD
Braz Ch , Gr Ch , Pan Ch Gloria Chasse
MBIS.Can/Br/BrGr/Pan/Ina/Int CH. Jackson's Show Me The Money SDHF
BrCh, BrJrCh Tailor Made Golden Rhapsody
BIS Puppy Golden Legends DeBaena Thira GJ
Ch Bra, Gr CH Br, Ag -Golden Age Antonio Gaudi
Ch. Gua, GCG, Sal, Int'l April's Stone Of Landlord
CH Goodtime Born In The USA
Ch. April's White Diamond
Nambija's Milky Way
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon
Ec CH. Touchstones Heart of Nambija
Jr. Ch., Ch.Bra Gr Ch Bra Jade Golden Age Of Golden Friend Forever
WW'06, Am CH/ Col CH&GCH/ Arg CH&GCH. Ag-Golden Age Diamond Intican OS SDHF
Ch. Col. Mex. Pe.Ecu.Int. Multi BIS. Golden Age Gorca's Cristobal Colon
Ch.Ec./Ch.Col./VJAC Just Do It D'Euramerika
Multi Biss,Am/Mex/Chi/Arg Ch, Gr.Ch.Pan, Ch.Pan Evita de Arerungua
MBIS Ar Br Pan CH Nautilus Fox Mulder
Ch.American,Pan , Bras ,Int ,Arg Gold Girls de La Siberia Blanca

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