
Golden Retriever

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SR76398107  (1/12/2013-)

The number listed in green after each dog's name is its approximate age at time of death. If no number is listed, the dog may be still living, or the information is missing from the database.

Five generation pedigree:

Feldmann's Buddy
On Golden Paws Chipen Chase
Rathardmore's Hot-N-Heavy
U-CD Int Ch Wylwind The First Ending CD TD NA [11.5 years]
Am./Can. CH. Faera's Done In Triplicate CD SDHF OS [13.5 years]
Am CH. Wylwind Auntie Em CD [12.5 years]
Sho-Me Farm's Kismet
Am. CH. Daystar's Tornado Warning OS SDHF [14.5 years]
Sho-Me Farms Sugar And Spice
On Golden Paw's Desire
Davidson's Shep
C-Bo On Golden Paws CD
On Golden Paws Maggie Mae
Davidson's Sunshine
Royale Farms King Ryence
Sparkman's Heather
Wonder On Golden Paws
WF Mark The Moment
Hillside Fireworks Explosion CD TD [9 years]
Am CH. Laurell's Cause For Applause OS SDHF [9 years]
Meadowpond Betango CDX
Lass Tamarack Golden Dream
Sunclad Streaker's Jupiter UD WCX *** [9.5 years]
Lass Chelsey Golden Dream
Hailey Vanessa
Thomas Omer Wade
Rose's Gladwynn Go Getter
Angela Rene Smith
Suzie Jean
Charles Lacey Laduke
Tamara Annette
Feldmann's Kara
Feldmann's Forrest
Paradise's Golden Forrest
Roland's Sir Bronson
Duet's Tribute Who's Classic
Duet's Won Triple Ticket
Roland's Miss Tia
Gregory's Sergeant Honeybear
Gregory's Carmel Candy
3 Golden Acres Callie Girl
Indiana Gold Dust
Sx Cool Hand Luke CGC TDI
Baby Of Mans Best Friend
Jayhawk Jezebel
Kim's Goldstone Jake
Gilded Lily's Lady Lizzie
Feldmann's Duchess
Feldmann's Duke
Indiana Gold Dust
Sx Cool Hand Luke CGC TDI
Baby Of Mans Best Friend
Jayhawk Jezebel
Kim's Goldstone Jake
Gilded Lily's Lady Lizzie
Feldmann's Dafney
Feldmann's Beau
SKC CH Hunnington's E I B Network
Katie Of The Little Osage
Feldmann's Sadie
Donlyn's Unforgettable
Sandi Feldmann's

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