
Golden Retriever

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Triple H Honey  (6/16/1961-)

Five generation pedigree:

Triple H Honey
Thor Of Tare Of Yuba
Triple H Brandy
Toogootee Cola
Maxs Million
Whitebridge Pal
Whitebridge Dawn
Queen Amber Sally
Rockhaven Ralph
Jay's Susan
Am. CH. Sidram Suebrette CDX
Am. CH. Zig Of Sandywood CD
Brandywine Kent
Alice Ben Bolt
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot CD OS SDHF
Mueller's Sparkle OD
Lady Amber Rip Of Sutter
Oakcreek's Golden Duke
Toby of Yelme OS
Gilick of Yelme
Sunar (daughter of Stubbings Golden Quietude)
Oakcreek's Lady Amber OD
Beavertail Gip **
Beavertail Molly
Lady Rip Of Wing
R R Wing
FC Goldwood Tuck OS FDHF
Rip's Countess of Woodend
G.S. Queen
Giltway Strike ***
Shelter Cove Penney
Lady Beth Bern
Happy Go Lucky (S959069)
FC AFC Rocky Mack FDHF
FC AFC Oakcreek's Sir Dorchester OS FDHF
Toby of Yelme OS
Oakcreek's Lady Amber OD
Oakcreek's Eastlane Belle
Victorious of Roedare OS
Judy of Tuckluck ***
Taffy of Alamer
Copper's Golden Destiny
Am. CH. Prince Copper Of Malibu SDHF
Czarina's Golden Shadow
Rusty of Aegean
Kip Of Stonegate ***
Copper Penny IV
Tippy O'Brien
Lord Byng Of Foleyfarm
O'Brien of Willow Loch
Am. CH. Toby of Willow Lake *** DDHF
Belle Of Willow Lake
Minnehaha Of We-No-Nah
Digger Of Golden Valley *** OS
Gypsy Rose
Amber Of Flarewin
Am. CH. Oakwin Junior OS
Oakwin Major
Rossbourne Quicksilver
Am. CH. Shur Shot's Lassie OD
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Shur Shot CD OS SDHF
AmCH Des Lac Lassie II OD

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