K9data.comLabrador Retriever

Everoak's Takin' The Back Road To Ashland  (11/18/2015-)

Five generation pedigree:

Everoak's Takin' The Back Road To Ashland
GCH Ashland's Road Trip [OFA LR-210856G24M-VPI]
Blackwing Mtn Meadow Trump [OFA Good]
AmCH Blackwing Barron At Mtnmeadow [OFA LR-139317E24M-PI]
NORD V-99 NL CH Trendmaker's Tycoon [ A/A]
INT UCH NORD UCH Trendmaker's Mugwump [ B ]
Trendmaker's Traffic Jam [ A/A]
Blackwing Tally Ho [OFA Good]
Am CH Dickendall Arnold [OFA LR-38719G25M]
Blackwing Moonlight Bay [ Fair]
Seawind Irish Brew at Blackwing [OFA Good]
Multi BISS AmCH Blackwing Superfine [OFA LR-160523G24M-PI]
BISS AmCH Blackwing Santee [OFA LR-142251G27M-PI]
AmCH Blackwing Super Freak [OFA LR-115102G27F-PI]
Poppyfield Seawind Witchcraft [OFA Fair]
CH Seawinds Sailor's Chanty [OFA Fair]
Poppyfield's Mind ur P's And Q's [OFA Good]
Ashland's Tiramisu
AmGCH CH Hyspire Shahli Hotter Than Blazes [OFA LR-172480E26M-VPI]
MBISS AmGCH Sure Shot Hyspire Impressive WC [OFA LR-145743G24M-PI]
BISS Am CH Windfall's Pipe Major [OFA LR-129358E24M-PI]
Am CH Janrod's Tammy Whynot [ GDC14587H13N]
Am CH Hyspire Pipin' Hot [OFA LR-145450G24F-PI]
BISS Am CH Windfall's Pipe Major [OFA LR-129358E24M-PI]
AmCH Hyspire Something's Amiss [ GDC7454E13N]
Jalin's Never Ending Affair [OFA Good]
Am.Ch. Windfall Lubberline Sailor [OFA Good]
Hunt Club Lubberline Captain [OFA Good]
Windfall's Fortune Cookie [OFA LR-81026G29F-T]
Jalin's Helen of Troy [OFA Good]
Sevenwind's Troy At Kai Den JH [OFA LR-122606G30M-PI]
Heatherwood Picture Perfect [OFA Good]
Epochs Fanta [OFA LR-205192F24F-VPI]
CH Epochs Captain Kidd [OFA LR-189189E24M-VPI]
BISS AmCH Wilcare Leisure Suit Larry JH WC [OFA LR-167644G24M-PI Good]
BISS AmCH Lubberline Pumpernickle [OFA LR-150547G24M-PI]
AmCH Hunt Club Clayview Brown Derby [OFA LR-143742G26M-PI]
Lubberline Chocolate Factory [OFA LR-128372E26F-PI]
AmCH Willcare's Godiva JH [OFA LR-134888G31F-PI]
BOSS Am.Can.CH Borador Willcare Master Copy CD JH WC [OFA LR-71875G24M-T]
AmCH Willcare Fortune Of The Nite [OFA LR-75781E28F-T]
AmCH Epoch's Brown Baggin' [OFA LR-149014G32F-PI Good]
Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount [OFA LR-120212G24M-PI Good]
Epochs Edward Of Bonaventure [OFA LR-107670G24M-T]
Classique's Count On Me [OFA LR-92527G25F-T]
Epochs Oreo Cookie [OFA Good]
Donalbain Marksman [OFA LR-58680G28M]
Banners Apple Butter [OFA Fair]
Ch Epoch's Sprite [OFA Good]
MBISS AmGCH/CH Big Sky's Stone Kutter [OFA LR-166583F26M-PI]
AmCH Paradocs Tabatha Stonehenge [OFA LR-142250G26M-PI Good]
BISS INT/AmCH Tabatha's Rollick At Carowby WC JH CD CGC [OFA LR-62341G24M-T]
BISS AmCH Tabatha's Tassel [OFA LR-97455G28F-T]
Big Sky's Sable [OFA LR-151465G27F-PI Good]
AmCH Empress Bigskys Blood And Guts [OFA LR-137119G26M-PI]
Tabatha's Token Talent WC [OFA LR-102727G30F-T]
AmCH Epoch's Brown Baggin' [OFA LR-149014G32F-PI Good]
Bonaventure Lubberline Viscount [OFA LR-120212G24M-PI Good]
Epochs Edward Of Bonaventure [OFA LR-107670G24M-T]
Classique's Count On Me [OFA LR-92527G25F-T]
Epochs Oreo Cookie [OFA Good]
Donalbain Marksman [OFA LR-58680G28M]
Banners Apple Butter [OFA Fair]

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