
Golden Retriever

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Bouckhart Golden Honey  (1/8/1963-)

Five generation pedigree:

Bouckhart Golden Honey
Bouckhart Golden Rock Bottom
Lorelei's Spunky Boy
Am. CH. Alresford Nord Desprez
Eng. CH. Alexander of Elsiville
Torrdale Tinker
Zena of Elsiville
Eng. CH. Alresford Mall
Alresford Last Laugh
Windward Honeyat
Am. CH. Lorelei's Golden Sheen **
Am. CH. Lorelei's Golden Rip ** OS
Am. Dual CH. Stilrovin Rip's Pride OS DDHF
Greenfield Jollye OD
Lorelei's Golden Tanya OD
Missy's Great Michael
Dale (A498509)
Oswasco Golden Penny
Gail-B-Mar's Gold Flight
Am. CH. Betteneye's Ace High CD
Trigger of Twelve Gage
Oakcreek's Princess Louise
Tweedroy's Shagabelle
Am. CH. Betteneye's Ace High CD
Am. CH. Golden Knoll's Ballerina CD OD
Shadywell Golden Mite
Shadywell Space Cadet
Can. CH. Shadywell My Surprise
AmCH AFC Lorelei's Golden Rockbottom UD OS SDHF
Can. CH. Des Lacs Temptation
Bouckhart Golden Rita
Alexander of Bouckhart
Can. CH. Mel-Bach's Golden Explorer
Can. CH. Whistler Cove's Taffy CanCD
Des Lacs Whistler Cove's Jake
Wessala Wee Widgeon
Can. CH. Northland's Serena
Honeyat Cavalier
Golden Hope
Golden Princess (1958, Canadian)
Karen's Teddy Boy
Boltby Clipper
Du Ell Control
Olympic's Skokomish Belle
Lakeview's Golden Boy (S552600)
Garbo III
Bouckhart Golden Lady II
Lorelei's Spunky Boy
Am. CH. Alresford Nord Desprez
Eng. CH. Alexander of Elsiville
Eng. CH. Alresford Mall
Am. CH. Lorelei's Golden Sheen **
Am. CH. Lorelei's Golden Rip ** OS
Lorelei's Golden Tanya OD
Shadywell Golden Mite
Shadywell Space Cadet
Can. CH. Shadywell My Surprise
AmCH AFC Lorelei's Golden Rockbottom UD OS SDHF
Can. CH. Des Lacs Temptation

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