Labrador Retriever
Tullochmohr Troubleshooter (8/4/1999-)
Five generation pedigree:
Tullochmohr Troubleshooter
CIB GB SH CH NORD CH Carpenny Walpole
Hawkmoors Webster
Am CH Dickendall Arnold
Am CH Dickendalls Ruffy SH
UK Sh Ch, Am CH Receiver Of Cranspire
Am CH Moorwood Jewel
Dickendalls A-Ha
Am CH Marshland Blitz
Dickendall's Rose Royce
Hawksmoors Ravens Flight
Am. Ch. Borador's Lord Travis
AmCH Killingworth Borador Travis
Borador's Lady Margaret
NZ.Ch. Mascot Rayners Choice
NZ Ch. Balrion Fortune Teller
NZ Ch Missenden Move Over
GB SH CH Covetwood Elouise of Carpenny
GB Ch Carpenny Bonhomie
GB Ch. Trenow Brigadier
Joline Inkling of Follytower
Trenow Minuet
Carpenny Camargue
Ch. Sandylands Sovereign of Suddie
Carpenny Veuve-Cliquot
Cranspire Careless Whisper
Raybooth Cream Cracker
GB SH CH Heatherbourne Court Jester
UK ShCh Raybooth Socks
Cranspire Lace
UK Sh Ch, Am CH Receiver Of Cranspire
Cranspire Ayanee of Kezamy
Briensco Emerald at Tullochmohr
Sh.Ch Poolstead Pumpkin
UK Ch Sloane Ranger at Bulgenen
Poolstead Palmerston
Ch. Sandylands Sovereign of Suddie
GB.Sh.Ch. Poolstead Pictorial
Foxcourt No Answer
Nokeener Welsh Tweed
Foxcourt No Problem
GB Sh.Ch. Poolstead Pipe Dreamer
Eng Sh Ch Poolstead Preferential
ShCh Poolstead Problem JW
GB SH CH Poolstead Preface
Poolstead Positive Mystery
Gb CH Charway Ballywill Will
Poolstead Package Holiday
Briensco Bijou
GB Ch Carpenny Bonhomie
GB Ch. Trenow Brigadier
Joline Inkling of Follytower
Trenow Minuet
Carpenny Camargue
Ch. Sandylands Sovereign of Suddie
Carpenny Veuve-Cliquot
Ballure Peep-Bo at Briensco
Eng SH CH Poolstead Pipe Smoker
Eng Sh Ch Poolstead Preferential
Poolstead Positive Mystery
Ballure Coulters Candy
Veyatie Paddywack
Ballure Polly Estar
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