
Golden Retriever

Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Click here.

Offspring of ARCH Gaylan's Ace in the Hole UD JH RE MX MXJ MXF MXP2 MJP SCN SIN SEN WC VCX CCA CL3 RL3 TDI (7/2/2005-9/9/2022)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Cabochon's Double Trouble:

Cabochon's Daddy's Little Girl (4/4/2022-)
MACH Cabochon's Mint Chocolate Chip Frosty Paws MXB MJB XF T2B ACT1 DJ CGC ADHF (1/30/2021-)
Cabochon's Miracle On Ice CD RN AX OAJ XF (1/30/2021-)
Cabochon's Iced Latte with a Straw OA OAJ CGC TKN ATT (1/30/2021-)
Cabochon Sticks And Pups Thor Weiss CGC TKI (1/30/2021-)
Cabochon's Never Tell Me The Odds CA DCAT CGC TKI (4/4/2022-)

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