
Golden Retriever

Looking for a Golden Retriever puppy? Click here.

Offspring of NORDUCH INTUCH Hedetorpets Amigo (S13720/57) (6/10/1957-)

(This list may not be comprehensive. This list only contains those dogs in the database for which this dog is a parent. Dogs that have not been entered into the database will not appear in this list.)

Out of Hedetorpets Handy:

Pella (S00204/66) (1966-)
Pira (S00206/66) (1966-)
Pan (S00200/66) (1966-)

Out of Stolford Larkspur:

Hedetorpets Unik (1967-)

Out of SUCH NUCH INTUCH Whamstead Jess:

Hedetorpets Jolly-Dog

Out of NORDUCH INTUCH S LCH Hedetorpets Honey:

Hedetorpets Orkide (1965-)
NUCH SUCH Hedetorpets Regina (1966-)
Hedetorpets Original (1965-)
NUCH FINUCH Hedetorpets Roy (7/1/1966-)
Hedetorpets Reddy (1966-)

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